2024-2025 Housing Agreement
This Housing Agreement (“Agreement”) is between the undersigned student (the “Resident”) and Drexel University (the
“University”), acting through its Office of Housing and Residence Life. It sets forth the terms and conditions by which the Resident
will live in accommodations owned or leased by the University (“University Housing”). The University agrees to provide the
Resident with facilities, services, and a living/learning environment at a specific cost on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The Resident agrees to use University facilities and services in a manner appropriate to the University’s purpose as a private non-
profit institution of higher education. This Agreement will be effective on the date the Resident electronically completes and submits
the housing application (the “Application”), to the University via their Housing and Dining account accessible via DrexelOne portal.
A housing assignment will not be offered without the required Deposit (if applicable, as defined below). The information set forth in
the Application shall be deemed incorporated into this Agreement.
1. Residency and Dining Requirement: It is the mission of the University to provide a safe, clean, and comfortable living
environment that is an essential part of a student’s social and educational experience and contributes to the student’s growth as a
member of the University community and beyond. To facilitate that experience, full-time campus-based undergraduate students
(except for transfer students), must live in University Housing or University-Affiliated Housing for their first and second years. As
used in this agreement, the term “University Housing” includes University Residence Halls and Fraternity and Sorority Housing.
First-Year students must live in a University Residence Hall; Second-Year (Sophomore) students must live in a University Residence
Hall, University-Affiliated Housing or Fraternity and Sorority Housing with invitation from the organization.
Drexel Campus Dining Plans are required for First-Year students living in a University Residence Hall.
2. Eligibility: Only full-time, registered, campus-based students, including students on Co-op assignments, are eligible to live in
University Housing. Residents must be registered for classes by the beginning of week two of each academic term. Failure of Resident
to be registered before the start of week two of each academic term will result in the immediate termination of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, for the Summer Quarter only, provided that Resident is registered for a
minimum of three (3) credits, Resident shall be permitted to live in Fraternity and Sorority Housing. Exceptions for all other residents
will be evaluated and determined on a case-by-case basis during the posted deadline, typically in the preceding summer quarter, and as
space allows, or in the event the University is not providing in-person instruction. The Resident will be responsible for cancellation fees
in accordance with the terms of Sections 9 and 16 of this Agreement.
3. Obligations: The Resident agrees to adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, and University policies, procedures
and regulations, including those set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. The University requires all students entering the University
to comply with University immunization requirements before arriving on campus. Failure to satisfy the immunization requirements may
cause the Resident to be ineligible for housing and require them to vacate housing. This Agreement becomes legally binding on the date
that the Resident electronically submits the Application to the University.
Resident is responsible for keeping their assigned room and applicable common areas (“Room”) clean. If adequate health and safety
standards are not maintained, the University may have the Room cleaned at the expense of the Resident and may take other action as
appropriate. Resident must remove trash from the Room at least three times a week disposed in the proper trash areas.
Residents are prohibited from bringing any furniture into University Housing and must comply with the Code of Conduct Residential
Facilities Policies, available for review here: https://drexel.edu/studentlife/community_standards/code-of-conduct/residential-
If the Resident breaches any provision of this Agreement, the Resident may be subject to loss of housing, disciplinary action, and may
be liable for the damages.
4. Housing Deposit (if applicable): A non-refundable $200 housing deposit (the “Deposit”) must be paid by the applicable deadline
specified in the Application or at the time of Application, whichever is later. If the Resident lives on campus for the full Term or if the
Resident cancels the Agreement under Section 16(A)(1)(iii) (co-op, clinical or rotation outside of the 10-mile radius) or Section
16(A)(1)(iv) (study abroad), the Deposit, less any charges deducted by the University, will be credited to the Resident's student account
at the end of the Term.
5. Payment: The Resident agrees to pay all applicable charges for the University Housing to which the Resident is assigned, including,
but not limited to, any cancellation fees assessed. All such charges shall be payable to "Drexel University" and the Resident will be
billed through Drexel Central. Payments are due in accordance with the schedule posted by Drexel Central.
6. Term of Agreement: The Term of this Agreement shall be up to one full academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Quarters
or Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters) for the Quarters or Semesters selected on the Application. Unless otherwise specified, the Term
shall commence on the earlier of (i) Resident’s designated Move-In Date provided in writing by Housing and Residence Life and (ii)
the date Resident actually moves into University Housing and will end on the last day of the last Quarter or Semester indicated on the
Application as follows for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Quarter Dates
Housing Quarter Start Date
Housing Quarter End Date
Fall Quarter
September 22, 2024
December 14, 2024
Winter Quarter
January 05, 2025
March 22, 2025
Spring Quarter
March 30, 2025
June 14, 2025
Summer Quarter
June 22, 2025
September 06, 2025
Semester Dates
Housing Semester Start Date
Housing Semester End Date
Fall Semester
August 4, 2024
December 20, 2024
Spring Semester
January 5, 2025
May 08, 2025
Summer Semester
May 11, 2025
August 1, 2025
Resident may move into the Room no earlier than the Resident’s designated Move-In Date. All terms and conditions of this Agreement
shall apply to all housing accommodations during any break periods before the applicable End Date as set forth above as well as the
periods between the end of one academic term and the beginning of the next.
7. Hall and Room Assignment: Hall and Room assignments are made after an application (together with a Deposit if applicable) is
8. Move In: The Room should be in good order when occupancy begins. If occupancy begins after the start of the academic year, the
Resident acknowledges that the condition of the Room will be impacted by the other student(s) currently residing in that space. The
University will make best efforts to ensure the space is checked for cleanliness prior to Resident’s arrival. Additional housekeeping or
facility support can be requested by submitting a work order via DrexelOne or at the front desk of the Residence Hall.
It is the responsibility of the Resident to review the condition of the Room (including any applicable common areas) as of the first date
of occupancy. The Resident should inform Residence Life staff of any issues and is otherwise accepting the Room “as is” and responsible
for all damages assessed at the time of check-out.
a) Keys for the Room will be issued to the Resident on arrival at the beginning of the occupancy period. Keys may not
be transferred or given to other persons. Lost keys should be reported immediately to the Front Desk or University
Designee. The Resident shall always be responsible for keys issued to them.
b) Resident may be fined for lost or damaged keys or for the unauthorized duplication of keys.
9. Failure to Check In (No Show): A Resident is required to check into University Housing during the approved Move-in periods. In
the event that the Resident does not check-in during the designated Move-in period and has not previously received approval for a late
check-in from the University, the Resident may be designated as a “No Show.” The University may terminate the Agreement and/or
reassign the Room to another Resident and the Resident will be charged applicable Cancellation Fees in accordance with Section 16,
below, effective the first day of the term. If a Resident is not be able to arrive during the Move-in period, the Resident should contact
the University in writing, by email to housing@drexel.edu, no later than the last Move-in day and the University may, but shall not be
obligated to, accommodate a late check-in.
10. Intentionally Omitted
11. Move Out: A Resident leaving at the expiration or termination of the Agreement must follow the check-out procedures. A Resident
is required to complete a Check-Out Envelope at the front desk. Checking out does not constitute termination of this Agreement.
Before moving out, the Resident is required to remove all personal items, including trash, leaving their Room clean and in the same
condition as on the Move-In Date. Any personal property that the Resident leaves behind will be considered abandoned and will
be discarded as soon as 24 hours after the Resident checks out. Storage space for personal belongings is not available through
Housing and Residence Life. Charges for additional cleaning required, including for removal of personal property and for any loss or
damage caused by the Resident, will be billed to the Resident. When one roommate moves out while others remain, each is equally and
jointly responsible for cleaning the Room and/or suite. If the Room is not found to be in acceptable condition after inspection, cleaning
service will be provided and the Resident(s) will be required to pay the cost.
Residents are responsible to provide the University with Resident’s new address and to file a change of address form with the post office
and all creditors when they vacate the Residence Hall so that any mail can be forwarded to their new address. The University shall not
be responsible for forwarding mail.
12. Damages: The Resident agrees not to deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, remove or alter the condition of their
assigned Room, Residence Hall or any other University property. Resident is liable for all such damages assessed and must pay the cost
of repairing such damages. If liability cannot be determined within any Room, suite, residence floor, wing, house or hall, the University
reserves the right, in its sole determination, to charge a group collectively. All outstanding damage assessment charges will be billed to
a Resident’s University account and must be satisfied in accordance with the University’s Student Financial Services Office payment
13. Room Entry: The University reserves the right to enter a Resident's Room for the purpose of routine maintenance, inspection and
repair, preservation of health, safety and quietude, investigation and in cases of emergency. Students may not deny access to the
University or designee attempting to exercise the University’s rights or to perform the University’s obligations.
14. Liability; Release: The University’s property insurance policy does not insure Resident’s personal property and the University
shall not be liable for any loss or damage to a Resident's personal property, including in the Room, whether such loss or damage is
caused by fire or other casualty, theft, or any other cause. The University recommends that Residents secure personal property
insurance or homeowners’ or renters’ insurance to cover their personal property while a Resident. IN CONSIDERATION FOR THE
despite reasonable prevention efforts and procedures, the University cannot guarantee a risk-free environment and that by choosing to
live on campus Resident assumes the inherent risks associated with communal living, including, without limitation, the risk of
becoming exposed to and/or infected by disease or illness, including but not limited to the COVID19 virus, and acknowledges
responsibility for Resident’s own health and any medical or other expenses associated with any illness and other communicable
diseases Resident may sustain.
15. Single Room Buyout: The University may offer Residents the opportunity to use a housing assignment that is designated as a double
occupancy assignment as a single occupancy room if space permits. Residents will be contacted if deemed eligible for this program.
Upon agreeing to participate in this program, a Resident will be charged the single room buyout rate based on their housing type. The
housing term charge for Residents electing to participate in the single room buyout program will be increased by the amount of the
applicable single room buyout rate and will be included in the calculation of the cancellation fees described in Section 16. Residents
who wish to cancel their participation in the single room buyout program, but retain a housing assignment, will be responsible for a
cancellation fee based upon the amount of the applicable single room buyout rate and calculated in accordance with the cancellation fee
schedule described in Section 16. The University will not remove any furniture from the double occupancy room assignment. Residents
who opt to not participate in the program are required to keep their room in such a condition that another Resident may take immediate
occupancy. If Housing and Residence Life determines that the room is not available for double occupancy due to violation of this
Agreement, the current Resident will be charged the single room buyout rate.
16. Cancellations:
A. Resident Cancellation:
Any Resident requesting cancellation of the Agreement must complete and submit a Request for Release form along with appropriate
supporting documentation. To access the housing form:
Log in to https://one.drexel.edu/ using your Drexel credentials
Click on the Campus + Community tab
Click on the Housing & Dining link
Select the Housing & Dining Forms at the top of the page and follow the directions to complete the Request for Release form
If approved for the current term, Residents are required to check-out within 5 calendar days. If approved for future terms, Residents are
required to check-out at the end of the applicable Term. Residents failing to adhere to this schedule may be assessed fines.
1. Cancellation for Acceptable Reasons
If the Resident seeks to cancel this Agreement for any of the reasons set forth below (each, an “Acceptable Reason”), the Request for
Release will be approved effective on the date of receipt by Housing and Residence Life of the Request for Release form, together
with the supporting documentation specified below.
i. Withdrew Admission Requires supporting documentation. The Deposit is non-refundable.
ii. Academic Withdrawal from the University (except withdrawal for student conduct issues) - Requires a completed
Undergraduate Withdraw Form. The Deposit is non-refundable.
iii. Co-op, Clinical, or Rotation Outside the 10-mile radius of the University Requires a Request for Release form. A
virtual/remote co-op does not qualify as an acceptable reason to terminate housing. The Deposit is refundable.
iv. Study Abroad Requires a Request for Release form. The Deposit is refundable.
v. Leave of Absence Requires supporting documentation with the Registrar/Student’s Advisor. The Deposit is non-
vi. Leasing with American Campus Communities (ACC) at Drexel University Requires a lease with ACC to be eligible
to terminate their housing agreement before the start of the term. The Deposit is non-refundable.
vii. Approved University Exemption Including, but not limited to, Financial, Medical, Religious, and Commuter
exemptions in collaboration with affiliated University offices as evidenced by supporting documentation. Approved
commuting students must be approved before the start of the academic year. The Deposit is non-refundable.
The Cancellation Fee for each quarter being cancelled is based on the date of receipt by Housing and Residence Life of
the Request for Release form and calculated based on the deadlines set forth below. The cancellation for acceptable reasons
described in subparagraphs (iii), (iv) and (v) above will only be effective for the period during which the acceptable reason
is in effect. By way of example only, a resident who selects the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Quarters on their
application and who then has a co-op that is outside the 10-mile radius for the Spring Quarter and inside the 10-mile radius
for the Summer Quarter may cancel for the Spring Quarter only and will be required to vacate University Housing at the
end of the Spring Quarter and will then be reassigned to University Housing and assigned a Move-In Date for the Summer
Fall 2024 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Before September 22, 2024
From September 22, 2024 to October 27, 2024
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
On or After October 28, 2024
Full Housing Term Charge
Winter 2025 Housing
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
Full Housing Term Charge
Spring 2025 Housing
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
Full Housing Term Charge
Summer 2025 Housing
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
Full Housing Term Charge
Fall Semester 2024 Housing
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
Full Housing Term Charge
Spring Semester 2025 Housing
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
Full Housing Term Charge
Summer Semester 2025 Housing
Cancellation Fees for Acceptable Reasons
Housing charges will be prorated based upon date of check-out
Full Housing Term Charge
2. Cancellation for Unacceptable Reasons
Residents seeking to cancel this Agreement for any reason other than those specified in Section 16(A), above, will forfeit the
Deposit, regardless of cancellation date, and will be subject to cancellation fees as set forth below. A Resident’s contractual
obligation for another living arrangement will not be honored as a valid reason for release from this Agreement. The University strictly
enforces its cancellation policies. The Cancellation Fee for each quarter being canceled is based on the date of receipt by Housing and
Residence Life of the Request for Release form and calculated as set forth below.
For the avoidance of doubt, a Resident who has lost housing as a result of a disciplinary sanction imposed by the University shall be
treated as a Cancellation for Unacceptable Reasons and is not entitled to receive a refund of any amounts paid for housing, and is liable
for any and all amounts due or to become due during the remainder of the term of their Agreement.
Fall 2024 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
On or before June 30, 2024
From July 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024
From August 1 to September 21, 2024
On or after September 22, 2024
Full Housing Term Charge
Winter 2025 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
On or before October 31, 2024
From November 1, 2024 to November 30, 2024
From December 1, 2024 to January 4, 2025
On or after January 5, 2025
Full Housing Term Charge
Spring 2025 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
On or before January 31, 2025
From February 1, 2025 to February 28, 2025
From March 1, 2025 to March 29, 2025
On or After March 30, 2025
Full Housing Term Charge
Summer 2025 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
On or before April 30, 2025
From May 1, 2025 to May 31, 2025
From June 1, 2025 to June 14, 2025
On or After June 15, 2025
Full Housing Term Charge
Fall 2024 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
On or before May 31, 2024
From June 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
From July 1, 2024 to August 3, 2024
On or After August 4, 2024
Full Housing Term Charge
Spring 2025 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
On or before October 31, 2024
From November 1, 2024 to November 30, 2024
From December 1, 2024 to January 4, 2025
On or After January 5, 2025
Full Housing Term Charge
Summer 2025 Housing
Receipt of Request for Release Form
Cancellation Fees for Unacceptable Reasons
Before February 28, 2025
From March 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025
From April 1, 2025 to May 10, 2025
On or After May 11, 2025
Full Housing Term Charge
A Resident must clearly indicate on the Request for Release their intention to cancel each quarter to which this Agreement is applicable.
By way of example only, a Resident who has applied for housing for the Fall, Winter and Spring and who submits a Request for Release
from Fall Term housing will NOT be released from Winter and Spring and if they intend to be released from all future terms must also
state that they are seeking to be released from the Winter and/or Spring quarters.
B. University Cancellations
The University reserves the right to cancel this Agreement and repossess the University Housing in the event of the imposition of
disciplinary sanctions, breach of the Agreement (including failure to pay fees), failure to meet academic requirements, and/or failure to
be an enrolled student. The Resident must move out, comply with check-out procedures, and vacate the University Housing within 5
calendar days upon such cancellation, including loss of status as an enrolled student during this Agreement period or if Resident fails to
enroll for academic credit course work as required in Section 2; provided, however, that Resident may be permitted to remain in residence
during a permitted appeal from a disciplinary sanction at the sole discretion of the University. Notwithstanding anything herein to the
contrary, in all events, the University reserves the right to cancel this Agreement and immediately repossess the University Housing
assignment without prior notice when necessary in the interest of safety or health of other residents or self, or to prevent an imminent
substantial disruption of normal residence activities.
Residents deemed ineligible for University Housing or who have their Agreement cancelled by the University may incur Cancellation
Fees according to the Unacceptable Reasons schedule above. The Cancellation Fees will be determined based on the date the Resident
is deemed ineligible for University Housing.
17. Governing Law/Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania and the Resident and the University hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania for litigation of any disputes arising under this Agreement.
18. Minors: If Resident is under the age of 18 at the time the Application is completed, the Resident’s parent or legal guardian must
also electronically sign the Application through the parent proxy process. The parent proxy process will be activated when the student
reaches the housing contract portion of the housing application.
19. Pets: The only pets permitted are non-carnivorous fish, in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Students seeking to bring
a Service or Assistance animal must comply with the University’s Service and Assistance Animal Policy (OED-5)
http://drexel.edu/oed/policies/overview/ for more information.
20. Right of Repossession: Upon termination of this Agreement the Resident is required to immediately vacate the Room. In the event
the Resident does not vacate in accordance with this Agreement, the University has the right to repossess the Room and to pack, remove,
store, and/or dispose all of Resident’s furnishings and personal property at the Resident’s expense. The University also maintains the
right to change the lock of the Resident’s room and bill the Resident for the cost of the lock change. The University will not be responsible
for Resident’s furnishings and personal property.
21. University Wide Virtual Learning: In the event the University implements a predominantly virtual learning platform for any term,
the University reserves the right to terminate this Agreement or to amend this Agreement as the University deems necessary to support
the healthy and safe living environment of students who may be permitted to live on campus.
22. Release of Roommate/Suitemate Information: The University may provide a residents full name, cell phone number and Drexel
University e-mail address to all assigned roommates/suitemates.
23. Obligations: The Resident agrees to adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, and University policies, procedures
and regulations, including those set forth in the Student Code of Conduct (and including, without limitation, COVID protocols and
health and safety measures). The University requires all students entering the University to comply with University immunization
requirements before arriving on campus. Failure to satisfy the immunization requirements may cause the Resident to be ineligible for
housing and require them to vacate housing. This Agreement becomes legally binding on the date that the Resident electronically
submits the Application to the University. Resident is responsible for keeping their assigned room and applicable common areas
(“Room”) clean. If adequate health and safety standards are not maintained, the University may have the Room cleaned at the expense
of the Resident and may take other action as appropriate. Resident must remove trash from the Room at least three times a week
disposed in the proper trash areas. Residents are prohibited from bringing any furniture into University Housing and must comply with
the Code of Conduct Residential Facilities Policies, available for review here:
If the Resident breaches any provision of this Agreement, the Resident may be subject to loss of housing, disciplinary action, and may
be liable for the damages.