Staff File Checklist- Center
Name of Employee: Date of Employment:
The following items must be present in each staff member’s personnel file
Due Date
Date Received/
Employment Application (includes DOB, education, training, and experience)
Day 1
Medical Report*
Prior to employment
TB Screening or Screening*
Prior to employment
Health Questionnaire*
Day 1 & annually
Emergency Information Form
Day 1 & as changes occur & annually
CBC Qualification Letter
Day 1 & every 5 years
Documentation of Orientation
Within 2 weeks/ 6 weeks of
Documentation of Health and Safety Training
Within 1 year & every 5
years thereafter
Documentation of On-Going Training
After the first year of employment
& annually thereafter
Documentation of CPR/First Aid Certification
Within 90 days of employment
Renew before expiration date
Documentation of Playground Safety Training (if applicable)
Within 6 months of employment
Documentation of BSAC training (if applicable)
Within 3 months of employment
Documentation of ITS-SIDS Safe Sleep Training (if applicable)
Administrators must complete within 90 days
Within 2 months of infant room
work & every 3 years
Documentation of Emergency Medical Care Plan (EMC) review
Review annually &
whenever plan is revised
Documentation of EPR Plan Review
Orientation & annually
Documentation of EPR in Child Care Training (if applicable)
Within 1 year of licensure &
within 4 months of trained
staff’s departure date
Documentation of Recognizing and Responding to Suspicions of
Child Maltreatment training
Within 90 days of employment
Documentation of receipt of prevention of shaken baby syndrome
and abusive head trauma policy
Day 1 & 14 days prior to new
policy implementation
WORKS Qualification Information:
Notification from the DCDEE WORKS regarding submitted
education/training for position qualification information
Documentation of Enrollment in Coursework (if applicable)
Within 6 months of assuming
Professional Development Plan
Within 1 year & annually
Documentation of Staff Evaluation
Documentation of Job Description Receipt
When applicable
Documentation of Operational and Personnel Policy Receipt
Day 1 & when changes occur
Documentation of receipt of Aquatic Activities Policy, guidelines
provided by the pool operator or off-site aquatic facility/aquatic
rules (if applicable)
Day 1 & annually
The items marked with * must be kept confidential and in a separate individual medical file.