Collective Bargaining Agreement
Coalition of Graduate Employees
AFT Local 6069, AFL-CIO
Oregon State University
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2024
July 18, 2022, Limited Reopener codified updates to Article 9, 11, 13, and 25
Letters of Agreement
1 Parties to the Agreement 2 Committee on Supervisor
Hardship Fund
Term of Agreement
Complete Agreement
No Strike or Lockouts
University Rights
Union Rights
Work Assignment
Tuition Waiver
Summer Session
Personnel Files
Discipline and Discharge
Grievance Procedures
Consultation/Labor Management
Election Days
Jury Duty
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying
Health and Safety
Work-Related Injuries or Illness
Statutory Compliance
Restrooms and Locker Rooms
Sick Leave
Family Leave and Policies
This Collective Bargaining Agreement is entered into between Oregon State University
(hereinafter called the University) and the Coalition of Graduate Employees, American
Federation of Teachers Local 6069, AFL/CIO (hereinafter called the Union).
Section 1
The University recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of the bargaining
unit for the purposes of collective bargaining.
Section 2
As certified by the Employment Relations Board, the bargaining unit includes all graduate
students with Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
appointments, including a combination of GRA and GTA appointments, employed by Oregon
State University in a given academic year with a minimum 0.3 FTE appointment(s), until
September 2021, when the minimum FTE will become 0.35, and then in September 2022,
when the minimum FTE will become 0.38, excluding (a) supervisory employees; (b) confidential
employees; and (c) managerial employees. The University shall not create combined
appointments of less than 0.3 FTE, and less than 0.35 FTE after September 2021, and less than
.38 FTE after September 2022. Employees included in the bargaining unit, as defined here, are
hereinafter referred to as Graduate Employees in this agreement.
Section 3
Disagreements regarding an employee’s inclusion or exclusion from the bargaining
unit will be resolved through Article 18, Grievances.
Section 4
Consistent with the provisions of Article 9, Section 2, the University will give written or email
notification to employees in positions included in the bargaining unit that the position is
represented by the Union and that the conditions of their employment are covered by a
collective bargaining agreement between the Union and the University.
Section 5
If the University creates a new University-wide classification for Graduate Employees, other
than Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants, the University will
notify the Union at least thirty (30) days before the new classification takes effect.
Section 1
This agreement shall become effective upon ratification by the parties and expires on June 30,
Section 2
Either party may give written notice during the period of August 1-30, 2023 of its desire to
negotiate a successor agreement. In the event that either party provides written notice of its
intent to negotiate a successor Agreement, the parties will arrange to meet within thirty (30)
calendar days to discuss ground rules for the successor negotiations including the schedule
for the exchange of proposals and the formal commencement of negotiations.
Section 3
This Agreement shall not be open during the term of agreement except by mutual
agreement of the parties or the proper use of the articles on Separability (Article 5),
Complete Agreement (Article 4), or Section 4 of this Article.
Section 4
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, either Party may elect to
reopen this Agreement for the limited purpose of negotiating up to four articles selected by
each Party. To invoke this reopener, a Party shall notify the other Party, in writing, during
December 2021. Upon such written notice being provided, the Parties will meet within thirty
(30) days to discuss ground rules for the reopened negotiations.
Section 1
Pursuant to their statutory obligations to bargain in good faith, the University and the
Union have met in full and free discussion concerning matters of “employment relations” as
defined in ORS 243.650 (7). This Agreement incorporates the sole and complete agreement
between the parties resulting from these negotiations. The Union agrees that the University
has no further obligation during the term of this Agreement to bargain except as specified
in Section 2.
Section 2
(a) The parties recognize the University’s full right to direct the work force and to issue rules,
policies, procedures and practices. Subject to the bargaining requirements of ORS 243.698,
the University may change or issue rules, policies, procedures and practices, provided they
do not conflict with specific provisions of this Agreement. The University will notify the Union
at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of any changes over which it has a duty to
bargain under ORS 243.698.
(b) If the Union believes a proposed change is subject to the ORS 243.698 bargaining
obligation, it may file a demand to bargain within fourteen (14) calendar days of notification
of the proposed change.
(c) If the University refuses to bargain, the Union may file an unfair labor practice complaint
with the Employment Relations Board (ERB) under ORS 243.672(1).
(d) If the Board sustains the complaint, the parties shall meet to negotiate over the changes.
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is at any time declared invalid by any court
of competent jurisdiction, declared invalid by final Employment Relations Board (ERB) order,
made illegal through enactment of federal or state laws, or through government regulations
having the full force and effect of law, such action shall not invalidate the entire Agreement.
The remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The
invalidated provision(s) shall be subject to renegotiation by the parties. Such negotiations
shall commence within thirty (30) days of notification from either party to the other of their
desire to begin negotiations for the purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory
replacement for such provision or provisions.
Section 1
The University agrees that during the term of this Agreement, it shall not cause or permit any
lockout of employees from their work. In the event that an employee is unable to perform
their assigned duties because equipment or facilities are not available due to a strike, work
stoppage, or slowdown by any other employees, such inability to provide work shall not be
deemed a lockout and Graduate Employees shall not suffer any subsequent loss of pay or
benefits. In the event of a strike by other employees of the University, no Graduate Employee
will be required to perform work outside of their position classification.
Section 2
The Union, on its own behalf and the behalf of its officers, agents, members, and bargaining
unit employees, agrees that during the term of this Agreement, it shall neither engage in,
encourage, cause nor sanction the members of the bargaining unit to strike, honor another
union’s picket lines, or engage in sit-down, slowdown, rolling or intermittent or on-and-off
again strikes. For the purposes of this Article, a strike includes picketing other than
informational picketing consistent with the University’s Time, Manner, and Place Rules for
Speech Activities, walkout, refusal to work, mass absenteeism, slow down of any kind, any
other stoppage or interruption of work, whether done in concert or singly.
Employees engaging in such strikes or work stoppages or who honor another union’s picket
line may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal subject to the provisions
of Article 17 Discipline and Discharge.
Section 3
Upon notification by the University to the Union that certain bargaining unit employees
covered by this Agreement are engaging in strike or other work stoppage activities in violation
of this Article, the Union shall advise such striking employees, in writing with a copy to the
University, to return to work immediately. Nothing in this article shall prevent a graduate
employee from expressing their views in their capacity as a graduate student or in an activity
outside of working hours.
Except as specifically modified by the terms of this Agreement, the University shall retain all
rights and authority, whether exercised or not, to govern, control, and direct its operations.
These sole and exclusive rights include, but are not limited to:
(a) determine methods, means, resources, and personnel by which operations and academic
programs are to be conducted;
(b) determine administrative organization;
(c) determine size and qualifications of faculty and staff;
(d) allocate and assign work;
(e) control the use of University buildings, property, equipment, and other resources;
(f) determine admission standards and procedures;
(g) determine eligibility for and procedures and processes for awarding scholarships and
financial aid;
(h) determine academic standards, policies, and procedures;
(i) determine the application of academic standards;
(j) determine academic degree, program, and course offerings and requirements;
(k) assess academic programs and determine degree eligibility;
(l) impose academic sanctions including dismissal;
(m) impose sanctions for violation of the Student Conduct Code;
(n) hire, promote, transfer, assign, reassign, and retain employees;
(o) suspend, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against employees for just cause;
(p) relieve employees from duty due to lack of available work or other non-disciplinary
Section 1
Graduate Employees covered by this Agreement are at all times entitled to act through a union
representative according to their Weingarten Rights and in grieving any violation of a provision
of this Agreement under Article 18.
Section 2 Authorized Representatives
The Union will provide in writing to the Office of Human Resources a list of authorized
representatives empowered to speak and act on behalf of the Union.
Section 3 Shop Stewards
The Union shall designate up to sixty (60) members as Stewards who are empowered to
represent Graduate Employees in grievance or disciplinary proceedings when requested by the
Graduate Employees. The Union shall provide the University with a list of current Stewards.
Stewards shall be allowed to investigate and process grievances and represent Graduate
Employees at grievance proceedings without loss of pay. The Steward shall notify their
supervisor, in advance, of the need to take leave to represent a Graduate Employee. If such
leave would interfere with the Steward’s regularly assigned tasks, the supervisor shall make
arrangements for such leave to be accommodated within forty- eight (48) hours. If such a
delay affects meeting a timeline, the parties agree to extend the timeline.
Section 4 Release Time
The University shall provide sixty (60) hours of release time, without loss of pay, each fiscal
year, to be divided at the Union’s discretion among its officials, to attend union functions,
provided that the official has notified their supervisor in writing no less than fifteen (15) days
in advance of the leave. In the event of an emergency and with the agreement of the
supervisor, a lesser period is acceptable. No more than two (2) Graduate Employees in any one
department shall take such a leave at the same time and leaves shall not be taken more than
five (5) consecutive days. If necessary, the employing unit will arrange a substitute to perform
official duties during such leave, or the Graduate Employee will arrange to complete the work
at another time, whichever is appropriate. Substitute work will be compensated in accordance
with Article 11.
Section 5 Union Dues
(a) The University recognizes the Union membership categories of “Member” and
“Associate Member.” Upon sixty (60) days written notice from the Union, the
University agrees to recognize new union categories of membership.
(b) The Union agrees that dues for each membership category will be either a flat dollar
amount or a single percentage of pay. An exception to the flat dollar amount or a single
rate of pay can be considered by following this process: prior to a vote on proposed
changes to Union dues, the Union shall consult with the University to determine if the
proposed changes are either impossible to implement or if implementation would pose
an excessive burden on University systems. Within thirty (30) days of the consultation,
the University may propose alternative options that meet the Union’s needs and the
Union will consider these alternative options prior to the vote.
(c) The Union will provide the Office of Human Resources written notification of its intent
to change membership dues deduction rates no later than the 10th of the month for
the new rate to take effect within the same month. Notice of intent to change
membership dues deduction rates filed after the 10th of the month will take effect the
following month. “Filed” for the purposes of change in membership dues deduction
rates shall mean postmarked (dated by meter or U.S. Post Office), or hand delivered
(d) The University, upon written authorization from a Graduate Employee, will deduct
union dues from the Graduate Employee’s regular monthly salary. This authorization
shall include a statement directing the University to inform the Union of the name of
the Graduate Employee and the amount deducted each month. The amount to be
deducted shall be certified by the Union to the University. The sum of all monies
deducted shall be remitted to the Union within thirty (30) days.
(e) The University agrees that once authorized by a Graduate Employee, dues deduction
authorization will remain in effect as long as the Graduate Employee retains Graduate
Employee status; and may be revoked only upon cessation of Graduate Employee
status, or upon thirty (30) days written notice. The Union agrees that its dues deduction
authorization cards will clearly inform Graduate Employees that once authorized, dues
deductions will remain in effect as long as the Graduate Employee retains Graduate
Employee status; and may be revoked only upon cessation of Graduate Employee
status, or upon thirty (30) days written notice. The parties agree that dues will not be
deducted from pay earned for employment in a status other than as a Graduate
(f) It is understood that notifications from the Union to start or stop dues deductions
received after the 10th of the month may take effect the following month unless the
10th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case the start or stop date will fall on the
following Monday.
(g) The University will conduct an audit of Graduate Employee payroll deductions at least
once per term. In the event that membership dues are not deducted from a Graduate
Employee's paycheck, the University will pay for the full amount that it failed to deduct
and remit to the Union, and will not hold any Graduate Employee whose membership
dues were not properly deducted responsible for paying missed deductions.
Section 6 Access
Union representatives named in Sections 2 and 3 of this article shall be allowed reasonable
contact with Graduate Employees at University facilities as long as such contact does not
interfere with safety and the normal flow of work.
Section 7 Use of University Facilities
The Union may use University facilities for union activities according to current building use
policies applicable to non-campus groups. The Union agrees not to use any university insignia
on its event/activity promotions unless a mutually agreed upon partnership has been reached
on said event/activity. The Union is responsible for ensuring availability, making all necessary
arrangements, and paying all necessary fees.
Section 8 Bulletin Boards
At the request of the Union, the University shall allow the use of reasonable, prominent, and
accessible bulletin board space, in each employing unit which employs Graduate Employees
for the purpose of communicating with Graduate Employees. Union material shall not be
displayed in the work area except on the authorized bulletin board space. Only those
representatives identified under Sections 2 and 3 of this article shall have authority to post
information on the authorized bulletin board space.
Section 9 – E-Mail
Union representatives and bargaining unit employees shall be allowed to use the University’s
electronic mail system for union business in accordance with the following conditions:
(a) The Union’s use of the University e-mail shall not be more restrictive than recognized
campus organizations.
(b) Use of the University e-mail system shall be on the Graduate Employee’s non-work
(c) The Union, its representatives, and bargaining unit employees agree to abide by the
University’s Acceptable Use Policy in effect on July 1, 2012, or as may be revised from
time to time.
(d) The Union will indemnify employer for, and hold the Employer harmless against any
lawsuits, claims, complaints or other legal or administrative actions where action is
taken against employer, union or its agents (including union staff, union officers and
stewards) regarding any communications or effect of any communications that are a
direct result of use of e-mail for union business under this article. The Oregon State
University System shall not bar the free transmission of electronic mail between union
electronic mail servers and OSU electronic mail servers.
Section 10 Orientation
The Union will be invited to all employing unit new annual Graduate Employee orientations,
and the Union representative will be provided with a minimum of thirty (30) minutes on the
agenda. The Union representative will be informed of the time and location of their
presentation ten (10) business days beforehand, or as soon as scheduled, and will be allowed
to distribute union material.
If the employing unit does not conduct a new annual Graduate Employee orientation, a
meeting will be scheduled by the employing unit with the new Graduate Employees in the
bargaining unit and a Union representative and the employee(s) will be permitted to meet
with a union representative on work time. The new employee orientation will be scheduled for
a minimum of thirty (30) minutes.
Section 11 Voluntary Contributions to the Union’s Committee on Political Education (COPE)
Upon written authorization from the Graduate Employee, the University will deduct a
voluntary contribution of $5.00 per month from the Graduate Employee’s salary. Such
authorization shall include a statement authorizing the University to inform the Union of the
name of the Graduate Employee requesting the deduction. The sum of all monies deducted
along with the names of the contributors shall be remitted to the Union monthly at the same
time union dues are remitted. A Graduate Employee who terminates this voluntary
contribution may not reinstate such deductions prior to the beginning of the next academic
Section 12 Information
(a) As a condition of appointment to a Graduate Employee position determined to be in
the bargaining unit, or upon reappointment of a currently appointed Graduate
Employee to a position determined to be in the bargaining unit, the Graduate
Employee will be required to sign a consent authorizing the University to disclose to the
Union the Graduate Employee’s FTE (Full Time Equivalent Fraction) and bargaining unit
status. Additionally, bargaining unit Graduate Employees will be asked to sign a release
authorizing the University to provide their salaries to the Union. These consents shall
remain in effect only while the Graduate Employee is in a bargaining unit position.
(b) The University will provide the Union with-to-date directory information. The following
directory information will be provided each month for all bargaining unit Graduate
Employees who have not suppressed their directory information: Name, current
mailing address and telephone number, email address, employing unit, campus office
building and room number, funding source type, and when available assignment as a
Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate Research Assistant; and, for those Graduate
Employees who have signed a consent to release, bargaining unit status, salary, student
identification number, and FTE.
(c) Within ten (10) days from the beginning of employment, the University will provide the
Union with up-to-date directory information of Graduate Employees not in the
bargaining unit who have not suppressed their directory information.
(d) The University reserves the right to charge the Union actual costs for providing
information requested in addition to the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) above.
Section 13 Indemnity
The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any and all claims,
damages, suits, judgments or other forms of liability which may arise out of any action taken or
not taken by the employer for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Article.
Section 1 Priority
In making appointments and reappointments within a program, department, or employing
unit, the employer may give priority to returning Graduate Employees. The employer also may
give priority to candidates enrolled in that unit or in units from closely related academic areas.
The employing unit shall consider the candidate’s relevant skills and academic background.
Section 2 Appointment Letter
Upon appointment, the employing unit must provide the Graduate Employee with an
Appointment Letter. Departments must give as much notice as possible in providing
Appointment Letters, no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior notice to the start of
employment (with the exception of Summer Session; see Article 13, Section 1). If the
Appointment Letter is not provided to the Graduate Employee thirty (30) calendar days prior
to the start of employment, the matter shall be resolved through the grievance process in
accordance with the provisions of Article 18 Grievance Procedures of this agreement. The
parties agree that the sole and exclusive remedies available, if an adjudicator determines that
an Appointment Letter was not provided on or before thirty (30) calendar days prior to the
start of employment, without good cause, is fifty ($50.00) dollars paid directly to CGE to be
dispersed at their discretion. The Graduate Employee must receive the Appointment Letter
within seven (7) calendar days or by the start of employment, whichever comes first, provided
the employment start date has not yet passed.
The Appointment Letter shall indicate an appointment to a Graduate Assistantship. A Graduate
Employee’s assignment (e.g. whether they are a Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate
Research Assistant) may be changed between terms over the course of a single appointment.
The assignment as either a Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate Research Assistant, while
not required at the time of appointment, should be noted on the Appointment Letter for each
term the assignment is known. The assignment may be modified by updating the Position
Description in subsequent terms. Graduate Employee appointments may be split between
funding sources and duties as long as the aggregate appointment meets or exceeds the
minimum FTE up to 0.49 FTE as defined in Article 2.
Appointment Letters must include:
Duration of appointment
FTE and corresponding hours worked
Benefits: tuition and fee remission, health insurance, sick leave accrual
Inclusion in the CGE Bargaining Unit and a link to an informational packet provided by
the Union
If known: assignment as a Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate Research Assistant.
If this assignment is not known at the time of the Appointment, the information will be
provided to the Graduate Employee no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the
first day of the academic term, provided via email, and will include the name, title, and
contact information of direct supervisor.
The Employer shall post a copy of Appointment Letter templates to the Office of Human
Resources website. The Employer must notify the Union at least fourteen (14) business days
prior to the posting and when any revised templates are posted. If the Union identifies a
discrepancy, they may provide suggested language to Employee and Labor Relations
Section 3 Position Description and Work Assignment
The Graduate Employee must be provided with their work assignment (per Article 10) and a
copy of the Position Description at least twenty (20) working days prior to the first day of the
academic term, unless the work opportunity became available less than twenty (20) working
days before the first day of the academic term in which case these materials must be provided
as soon as the work opportunity becomes available. If a Position Description is not provided to
the Graduate Employee twenty (20) working days prior to the start of the term, the matter
shall be resolved through the grievance process in accordance with the provisions of Article 18
Grievance Procedures of this agreement. The parties agree that the sole and exclusive
remedies available, if an Adjudicator determines that a Position Description was not
provided on or before twenty (20) calendar days prior to the start of employment, is fifty
($50.00) dollars paid directly to the CGE to be dispersed at their discretion. The Graduate
Employee must receive the Position Description within seven (7) calendar days or by the start
of employment, whichever comes first, provided the employment start date has not yet
Position Descriptions must include:
Assignment as a Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate Research Assistant.
The general nature of the duties of the position
An approximate distribution of hours expected to be allocated to specific tasks during
the employment period
Relevant health and safety information
Expected preparation or training
Name, title, and contact information of direct supervisor or contact person in the unit
responsible for the Graduate Employee’s work assignment.
The Employer will provide employing units training on content and timeliness requirements
associated with work assignments and position descriptions, as well as associated fees. The
Employer will notify CGE of these trainings in advance and may review training materials and
provide input regarding the training in advance.
Section 4 Appointment Duration
Graduate Employees who are admitted to the University with an offer of support must be
appointed for an academic or fiscal year rather than term-to-term. In the exceptional case that
an appointment is made for a period less than the duration of the academic or fiscal year, the
reason must be noted on the Graduate Employee’s Appointment Letter.
In the event that a course or service must be canceled, the employing unit must reassign or lay
off Graduate Employees in accordance with Article 14. In this scenario, a Graduate Employee’s
appointment may be reduced based on operational needs or by mutual agreement.
Section 5 Hourly Work
Employing units must use Graduate Employee appointments rather than hourly positions
where appropriate and supported by budget. Hourly Graduate Employees should not perform
the full scope of job duties that were assigned to them as a Graduate Assistant, nor should
they maintain the same level of decision-making responsibilities associated with the Graduate
Assistant role. Hourly student positions cannot include teaching duties.
Recognizing that there are a variety of scenarios where faculty members or units have the
resources and interest in appropriately providing support to graduate students that is less than
that of a Graduate Employee appointment, the University and the Union agree that hourly
positions can be used in circumstances that include (but are not limited to):
Work which is of limited duration (grading, tutoring, field assistance, etc.) or the work is
unrelated to instructional or research duties normally performed by Graduate
Employees (whether in the department of a Graduate Employee or in another
A position which is to supplement an appointment supported by a funding source other
than Education and General funds that does not provide a stipend equal to that of a
Graduate Employee’s stipend in the unit.
Summer session employment of graduate students.
Hourly positions shall not be used to substitute for Graduate Employee appointments when
the work and the resources are sufficient for such an appointment. The University must
provide the Union with an audit of hourly appointments as noted in Section 7.
Section 6 Job Announcements
Each term, including summer, the Office of Human Resources will send an email to academic
and non-academic units reminding them to announce available assistantships and funding
opportunities in the Barometer, via their websites, and electronic communications.
Section 7 Audit
The University agrees to audit appointments and positions each year to document use of
single-term appointments, graduate hourly student-worker positions, and any variances from
the agreements. The University must prepare a report of each audit, including the most recent
Summer and academic year, and send it to the Union on or before the last day of Spring Term.
The audit must include the start and end dates of all positions, the employing unit of each
Graduate Employee, the type of position (Graduate Assistantship or hourly appointment), and
the FTE for appointments or the total hours worked for hourly positions. If a unit has recurring
issues with meeting timely notice or the unapproved use of single term appointments, the
University must work with the Provost and Dean of the employing department to
ensure that a plan is in place to meet expectations for subsequent Graduate Employee
Section 1
The University reserves the right to assign and reassign Graduate Employees those duties and
responsibilities that best meet the needs of the institution based upon the qualifications and
abilities of the Graduate Employee.
Section 2
Employing units must provide notice of work assignments not less than twenty (20) calendar
days prior to the start of the term, unless the work opportunity became available less than
twenty (20) days prior to the start of the term, in which case notice shall be provided as soon
as reasonably possible. Preparation time consistent with assigned duties must be included
among the Graduate Employee’s paid duties.
Section 3
Work assignment must include:
Course number for Graduate Employees with teaching duties
Health and safety information specific to their assignment
Preparation or training specific to their assignment
Section 4
Employing units must endeavor to inform Graduate Employees of available assignments and
work schedules at or near the end of the preceding employment period for Winter, Spring, and
Summer terms. Graduate Employees may indicate their preference of assignments and work
schedules, which the employing unit will consider in making assignments.
Section 5
Recognizing that Graduate Employees are also students, the employing unit will endeavor to
avoid conflicts between class and work schedules. When possible, work-related meetings
involving Graduate Employees will be scheduled during regular hours.
Section 6 Work Space and Equipment
Employing units must provide Graduate Employees with work space and equipment
appropriate to perform their duties. The assigned work space must provide the same services
as other similar spaces within the department or building, including maintenance and custodial
services. When appropriate, employing units must also provide space for Graduate Employees
to hold private meetings with students. Employing units without adequate space must be
responsible for finding and reserving space for Graduate Employees to conduct private
meetings with students. Employing units must designate a contact person for all work space
and equipment related issues. Graduate Employees may request work space maintenance and
additional work space or equipment necessary to perform their duties (such as general work
space, secure storage for confidential files or personal items, private meeting space, and
access to telephones, computers, software, online tools, office supplies, photocopies, and
printouts) from this contact person. The request and the decision on such a request should be
made in writing.
Section 7 University Closures
The University Appointing Authority must notify employees prior to the beginning of their
work shifts not to report to work because of closure of facilities or curtailment of work due to
inclement weather or hazardous conditions. In such cases, the university Appointing Authority
will use announcements on university websites, local radio or television stations, recorded
messages, or individual telephone contacts to notify employees of the closure or work
curtailment prior to their leaving home. Graduate employees cannot be compelled to work
when the university is closed, except by mutual agreement between the employee and their
Section 8 Schedule Changes
Supervisors must make reasonable efforts to allow Graduate Employees to arrange their work
schedule allowing for fifteen (15) days leave over the academic year, taking into account the
employee’s academic program and the University’s business needs. A request for leave must
be made in writing and sufficiently in advance of the schedule change to allow for planning for
the absence. The decision on the request shall be made in writing and within a reasonable
timeframe. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. This language does not limit a
supervisor’s ability to permit additional schedule adjustments.
Section 1 Monthly Salary Rate
The minimum full-time equivalent monthly salary rate will increase from $4040 to $4404
effective September 1, 2022 for fall term appointments.
Employment Fraction (FTE)
Minimum Monthly Salary
Employing units reserve the right to set their full-time equivalent monthly salary rate at a
higher level. The monthly salary is determined by multiplying the full-time equivalent monthly
salary rate by the employment fraction as specified in Section 3. The University shall not
reduce the monthly salary rate of bargaining unit employees reappointed in a subsequent year
within the same employing department. Beginning September 16, 2022, upon reappointment
within the same employing unit, all Graduate Employees who meet satisfactory academic
progress standards, as determined by the Graduate School and the program of academic
study, shall receive a minimum 4.75% increase starting September 2022 and a minimum 4.00%
increase starting September 2023.
Section 2 Employment Period
Appointments can be made based on the nine-month academic year, the twelve-month fiscal
year or for other periods specified in individual cases. Each three (3) month (thirteen week)
employment period corresponds with an academic quarter as defined by Oregon State
Section 3 Employment Fraction (FTE)
Employment fractions (full-time equivalency or FTE) should be determined by the following
scale of time commitments averaged over the employment period specified in Section 2. The
use of an employment fraction indicates less than half-time effort.
Effective September 16, 2022, Graduate Employees will be appointed to a minimum FTE of
0.38. Effective September 16, 2023, Graduate Employees will be appointed to a minimum FTE
of 0.40. The minimum FTE assignment for a Graduate Employee who has sole responsibility for
teaching a lecture course and/or is listed as the instructor of record shall be 0.3 FTE for one (1)
section and 0.49 FTE for two (2) sections. Sole responsibility is understood to mean sole
responsibility for teaching and conducting of a class, serving as the primary contact for
students enrolled in the class, and evaluating and grading student work. Employment fractions
are to be based on expected weekly and overall workload during an academic quarter.
Supervisors shall review the employment fraction with their Graduate Employees at the
beginning of the Graduate Employee’s appointment to ensure mutual understanding of the
weekly work time commitment. No more than 85% of the Graduate Employee’s maximum
work hours for a thirteen- week employment period may be worked during the eleven week
academic term (where an academic term is defined in this section only as ten instructional
weeks and one week of finals). Working hours shall not fluctuate more than 50% above the
weekly average in any one (1) work week throughout the course of the employment period,
unless by mutual agreement between the supervisor and the Graduate Employee.
Workload assigned to a Graduate Employee under this article may or may not be separate
from the academic expectations associated with thesis or dissertation research. This
agreement shall not in any way be construed as imposing a limit on the amount of academic
work necessary for a student to make satisfactory academic progress toward their degree.
Graduate Employees appointed at 0.49 FTE for a 9-month academic year will not exceed two
hundred fifty-five (255) hours per quarter or a total of seven hundred sixty-five (765) hours in a
9-month duration, or one thousand and twenty (1020) work hours in a 12-month duration. The
parties agree that work is to be distributed as evenly as possible over the thirteen-week
employment period and that any work assigned before or after that 13-week period must be
mutually agreed upon by the Graduate Employee and their supervisor, and if the Graduate
Employee is required to work, then the Graduate Employee will be compensated for the
additional work at their regular salary rate.
Total Work
Hours per 13
Average Work
Hours per Work
Week of the 13
Week Employment
During 11
Work Hours
Outside of 11
*Representation of hours is for combined appointment purposes.
Section 4 Adjustments to Employment Fraction (FTE)
A Graduate Employee’s employment fraction is an estimate of a proportion of full-time effort
within a department or unit for the work assignments involved and shall be as determined by
the department or unit. In the event that it is demonstrated that the Graduate Employee will
exceed the assigned work hours, and therefore the employment fraction, the department or
unit will make an appropriate retroactive adjustment in salary and either reduce workload
accordingly or make an appropriate increase in FTE not to exceed 0.49 FTE. In circumstances
where it is determined that the Graduate Employee is not meeting workload demands, based
on performance, Article 15 shall be applied.
Section 5 Substitute Work
Graduate Employees substituting for the work of another Graduate Employee under Article 30:
Sick Leave, shall be compensated at the hourly rate corresponding to the monthly minimum
salary established in Section 1 of this Article. In no case shall a Graduate Employee work over
255 hours per term. Graduate Employees may not work in excess of their available substitute
hours each term without an adjustment to their FTE and sick leave accrual.
Employment Fraction (FTE) Maximum Substitute Hours Available per Term
Employment Fraction (FTE)
Maximum Substitute
Hours Available per Term
Section 1 Tuition Remission
Graduate Employees appointed at a minimum 0.3 FTE, until September 2021 when the
minimum FTE will become 0.35 FTE, and then until September 2022 when the minimum FTE
will become 0.38 FTE, are exempt from payment of tuition for up to 16 credit hours, including
OSU Extended Campus (E- campus) courses taken in any quarter to which the appointment
applies. The current overload tuition will be assessed for such excess hours as set forth in the
Oregon State University Academic Year Fee Book.
Section 2 Fee Remission
Graduate Employees appointed at a minimum 0.3 FTE, until September 2021 when the
minimum FTE will become 0.35 FTE, and then until September 2022 when the minimum FTE
will become 0.38 will have 90% of mandatory fees, as defined in the Academic Year Fee Book,
remitted each term, including Summer. If the building, bad debt, and contingency fees exceed
10% of all mandatory fees, the University agrees to remit the total amount of all other
mandatory fees. The one-time Matriculation Fee and International Student Orientation Fee
shall also be remitted. Graduate Employees appointed at a minimum FTE, until September
2021 when the minimum FTE will become 0.35 FTE, and then until September 2022 when the
minimum FTE will become 0.38 will have 100% of the ECampus distance education fee
remitted each term, including Summer.
Section 3 SEVIS and Visa Fee Reimbursement
Graduate Employees who pay a SEVIS and/or visa fee shall be reimbursed upon request and proof of
payment unless that fee has already been paid or reimbursed by another source. The University agrees to
reimburse actual cumulative expenses (totaled over the duration of the employee’s enrollment at OSU) in
SEVIS and/or visa fees, including visa renewal fees and associated travel costs, up to a maximum of $500.
This benefit will be extended to cover a Graduate Employee’s eligible dependent or spouse/partner
(consistent with Article 28, Section 1) to cumulative expenses not to exceed $500. To qualify, a Graduate
Employee must meet the following criteria:
a.) received an official Graduate Assistant offer letter (can include pre-admit letters) at or
prior to the time the fee was incurred; and
b.) be a Graduate Employee at the time the reimbursement is requested. Instructions on
how to obtain reimbursement will be posted on the Office of Human Resources website.
Section 4 DACA Support and Fee Reimbursement
The University is committed to ensure that all employees, regardless of immigration status, are
treated fairly and equitably. The University maintains its commitment to current and future
employees regardless of immigration status, although the Union recognizes that the University
must follow federal and state law regarding work authorization for employees.
Graduate Employees who pay a fee to establish or maintain DACA status, including renewal
fees, shall be reimbursed up to $495 upon request and proof of payment for the costs of those
fees. To qualify, a Graduate Employee must meet the following criteria:
a.) received an official Graduate Assistant offer letter (can include pre-admit letters); and
b.) be a Graduate Employee at the time the fee is assessed.
Instructions on how to obtain reimbursement will be posted on the Office of Human Resources
Section 5 Enrollment Requirement
In the administration of the above policy, Graduate Employees shall be required as a term or
condition of employment to enroll for and maintain a minimum of twelve (12) graduate credit
hours toward the degree throughout the term. However, the Dean of the Graduate School
may approve registration of undergraduate credits in a relevant program of study as meeting
the twelve (12) credit minimum. Nothing in this contract will preclude an academic advisor
from recommending additional hours as appropriate for the student’s academic program.
Section 6 Summer Session Enrollment
Notwithstanding Section 5, during a given Summer Session, Graduate Employees may meet
the criteria for tuition remission when enrolled for a minimum of three (3) credit hours toward
the degree.
Section 7 Establishment of Tuition
Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted to restrict Oregon State University in any manner in
the exercise of their statutory duty to establish tuition.
Section 1 - Appointments
At the discretion of the employing unit, Graduate Employees on academic-year appointments
may be offered additional appointments covering all or part of the University’s Summer
Session. The number of such appointments and their duration will be determined by the
employing unit based on the anticipated workload or enrollment for Summer Session. While
employing units have discretion over Summer Session appointments, such appointments are
encouraged where work is available. All Summer Session appointments must be in accordance
with Article 9, with the exception that Summer Session appointment letters must be received
forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the start of Summer Session, unless the employment
opportunity becomes available less than forty-five calendar days prior to the start of the
Summer Session and the reason must be noted on the Appointment Letter. Late fees shall
apply to Summer Session appointment letters per Article 9.
Section 2 - Salary
The salary and minimum FTE for Summer Session appointments must be determined according
to Article 11 (Salary), with Summer Session treated as another three (3) month (thirteen (13)
week) employment period. The minimum full-time equivalent monthly salary rate for the
Summer Session must be that of the previous academic year. The actual work duration in
Summer Session may differ considerably from the employment period; for example, a Graduate
Teaching Assistant employed at a 0.4 FTE may have their 208 working hours distributed across
a shorter duration than the typical thirteen (13) week employment period.
Section 3 - Funding Opportunities
Employing units are encouraged to create and maintain a list of summer funding and
employment opportunities.
Recognizing the variability of summer course registration, employing units may take the
following steps to establish summer appointments:
a.) Ask Graduate Employees to indicate interest in summer work in writing, including via
email, at any time during the academic year.
b.) Issue a “contingent summer offer” if they believe work will be available during the
summer, which can be made contingent on sufficient enrollment in a course or sufficient
funding for a non- instructional work.
A “contingent summer offer” does not constitute a binding employment contract until such
time as an official employment offer is extended and accepted. Employing units must notify the
Graduate Assistant (twenty-five) 25 calendar days in advance if the work assignment will not be
available, or provide an update on the status of the contingent employment offer. If the
Graduate Employee was instructed to and completed preparation toward the assigned work,
the employing unit will compensate the Graduate Employee at an hourly rate commensurate
with the work performed and that is consistent with a 0.3 FTE appointment as described in
Article 11 (Salary).
Section 1
Layoff is defined as a separation from University employment during the period of an
employee’s appointment due to a reduction in force or a reduction in a department and shall
not reflect discredit on the employee.
Section 2
Order of layoff will be based on reasonable criteria. Layoff shall be implemented by providing
employees with as much written notice of separation as possible, but no less than fifteen (15)
days before the effective date stating the reasons for layoff.
Section 3
If layoff occurs after the first day of compensable employment in any employment period, an
affected employee shall continue to be exempt from payment of tuition per Article 12 for the
remainder of their appointment, not to exceed the end of the current academic year.
Section 4
A Graduate Employee whose position is restored after a layoff but before the conclusion of
their appointment will be reappointed to that position.
Section 1
Each unit employing Graduate Employees has the right to conduct periodic evaluations of the
employee’s job performance. The unit may establish job performance criteria and the
frequency and format of evaluation appropriate for the employee’s work assignment.
Evaluations will be performed no less than once each academic year. Employees shall have
access to all evaluative material unless otherwise restricted by this Article. Upon appointment,
Graduate Employees shall be notified in writing of the evaluation process and criteria.
A Graduate Employee will receive an evaluation if they so request from their employing unit.
Requests for evaluation will be fulfilled during the term in which the request was made, unless
there are extenuating circumstances, in which case the evaluation will be completed as soon
as practicable. These evaluations will consist of more information than solely eSET student
Section 2
The evaluation may include written input provided by students, clients, or others who have
direct knowledge of the employee’s performance. If the written input includes a numerical
rating, then a summary of the average rating scores may become a part of the Graduate
Employee’s personnel file. Anonymous evaluative material may not be kept in a Graduate
Employee’s personnel file.
Section 3
The supervisor or another faculty member designated by the employing unit may also conduct
one or more site visits to the employee’s classroom or workplace for the purpose of
evaluation. Upon request by the Graduate Employee, the supervisor or a designated faculty
member will conduct a site visit to an employee’s classroom or workplace. A Graduate
Employee may request feedback from the supervisor or another faculty member designated by
the employing unit on specific performance matters at any time.
Section 4
The Graduate Employee shall be provided with a copy of the written evaluation by the
supervisor or another faculty member designated by the employing unit no more than one
month after the evaluation takes places, unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which
case the written evaluation will be provided to the Graduate Employee as soon as practicable.
Both the Graduate Employee and the supervisor (or another faculty member designated by the
employing unit) must sign the copy to be placed in the personnel file. Within thirty (30) days of
receiving the evaluation, the employee has the right to submit a written rebuttal for inclusion
in the personnel file. Rebuttals may include concerns related to the Graduate Employee’s
working conditions as outlined in this Collective Bargaining Agreement. A Graduate Employee
may submit their rebuttal to the Union and/or Employee and Labor Relations, instead of the
employing unit.
Section 5
In the event that work performance issue(s) are identified through the evaluation process, the
employer and the Graduate Employee are committed to attempting to resolve the issue. The
employing unit will include recommendations for improvement, which may include University
programs that are free of cost to the Graduate Employee. Likewise, an employing unit may
require that specific issues in the work performance be resolved within one month or once
potential remedies (e.g. engagement in an accommodations process) have been established.
Section 1
An employee may choose to be accompanied by a representative of the Union when reviewing
material in their personnel file. In such instances, the employee shall be required to provide
written authorization for the union representative to view such material.
Section 2
All evaluative or disciplinary material relating to an employee’s employment placed in a file
shall be signed by the author and dated. This requirement does not apply to personnel action
forms and other similar material routinely placed in files for record keeping purposes. Copies
of all documents pertaining to employment related performance and evaluation of an
employee will be kept in a file maintained in the employee’s department or administrative
unit. This does not preclude the keeping of additional files in other University offices as needed
for record keeping purposes.
Section 3
No evaluative or disciplinary material reflecting unfavorably upon an employee shall be placed
in the personnel file without the signature of the employee. The employee shall be required to
sign such documents and may request the following disclaimer: “Employee’s signature
confirms only that the supervisor has discussed and given a copy to the employee and does
not indicate agreement or disagreement.” In the event that an employee refuses to sign such
document, the supervisor will note the employee’s refusal on the document and process the
document as if it had been signed. An employee has the right to submit a written rebuttal to
be placed in the file.
Section 4
An employee has the right to have placed in the file a reasonable amount of material or
information which may reasonably be expected to be of assistance in the evaluation process.
Section 5
No reference to a grievance shall be placed in a departmental personnel file nor shall
reference to a grievance be considered in evaluation of an employee.
Section 6
The employee shall have access to all written evaluations placed in the personnel file, with the
exception of letters of reference that the employee requests of the unit head or of present or
past supervisors of the employee’s work at Oregon State University and that the employee has
designated as confidential with the concurrence of the writer.
Section 1
The parties recognize the authority of the employer to impose discipline, up to and including
dismissal, for just cause. Discipline may take the form of written reprimands, reduction in
duties, reassignment, suspension without pay, and dismissal. Disciplinary action must be
conducted in private and imposed in accordance with the principles of progressive discipline.
Section 2
Prior to imposing a disciplinary action, the University will advise the Graduate Employee of the
charges and complaints that potentially give rise to such action. The Graduate Employee will
be provided an opportunity to refute the charges or to present extenuating circumstances. A
Graduate Employee is entitled to representation by a Union representative at investigatory
meetings which may result in discipline, if they so choose. The Union will make a
representative available to attend an investigatory meeting within two (2) business days.
Section 3
All forms of discipline will be issued to the Graduate Employee in writing. Such written notice
will state the level of discipline being imposed and the charges and complaints which give rise
to the disciplinary action. All such written notices will include the following disclaimer:
“Employee’s signature indicates only that the supervisor has discussed this material with the
employee, and they have received a copy. The employee’s signature does not indicate
agreement or disagreement with its content.” Graduate Employees will be required to sign
disciplinary notices containing this disclaimer.
Section 4
Within thirty (30) days of receiving a notice of discipline, the Graduate Employee may provide
a written rebuttal to be placed in their file with the notice of discipline.
Section 5
Upon written request from the Graduate Employee, warnings and disciplinary notices must be
removed from their file after two (2) years. Disciplinary notices may be removed sooner if, in
the judgment of the head of the employing unit in which the Graduate Employee works, the
head of Employee and Labor Relations, or their designee, if the Graduate Employee is
appointed to a different department, or the Graduate Employee’s performance and conduct
warrants such removal. In the event that the head of the employing unit is the employee’s
supervisor, the Graduate Employee may forward the request to the head of Employee and
Labor Relations, or their designee.
Section 6
A Graduate Employee who alleges that disciplinary action was without just cause may file a
grievance under the provisions of Article 18. It is understood that a Graduate Employee’s right
under this Agreement to grieve disciplinary action applies only to the Graduate Employee’s
performance and conduct as an employee. Graduate Employees dismissed from their work
assignment must be provided written notification describing the reason for the termination.
Graduate Employees may not grieve under this Agreement decisions to impose sanctions for
academic reasons or violations of the Student Conduct Code.
Section 7
Graduate Employees who lose student status shall have no right to continued employment and
shall be considered to have resigned from their appointment. Graduate Employees who lost
status for non- disciplinary reasons (e.g. visa issues) will be reinstated to an existing
appointment contingent upon reestablishment of student status; however, the University does
not guarantee reinstatement under any conditions.
Section 8 Reinstatement of Job Duties Upon Return from Leave
Upon return to an existing appointment, Graduate Employees who return to work after taking
protected leave will be reinstated to a position at an equivalent or higher salary and FTE as
their previous position. Whenever possible, Graduate Employees will be given the same
position they previously held upon return to an existing appointment.
Section 9
Retaliation for filing a grievance under this Agreement by supervisors and employing units
against a Graduate Employee is not tolerated by the University or the Union. Any Graduate
Employee who feels they have been treated unfairly or retaliated against for having previously
filed a grievance and are subject to a later “disciplinary action” may report this concern to the
Office of Equal Opportunity and Access or seek to redress this through the grievance
procedure provided in this Agreement.
Section 1
(a) Grievances are defined as acts, omissions, applications, or interpretations alleged to be
violations of the terms or conditions of this Agreement.
(b) All grievances shall be processed in accordance with this Article which shall be the sole
and exclusive method of resolving grievances. Grievances may be filed with Union
representation or, consistent with statute, Graduate Employees may present grievances
to the employer and have such grievances adjusted without union intervention, provided:
1) The adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement; and 2) The Union
has been given an opportunity to be present at meetings which may result in adjustment
to the grievance.
(c) Grievances shall be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the grievant or Union
knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the alleged grievance. If a grievant
can demonstrate in writing an earnest attempt to resolve a potential grievance informally
within the thirty (30) calendar days of the date the grievant or Union knew or should
have known of the facts giving rise to the alleged grievance, the employer may grant an
extension of the grievance timeline to forty-five (45) calendar days. In the event that the
deadline for filing a grievance, submitting a grievance response, or appealing a grievance
response falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or University holiday, such action will be considered
timely if it is taken by 5:00 p.m. on the following business day (Monday Friday).
(d) Grievances shall be reduced to writing, stating the specific Article(s) alleged to have been
violated, a clear explanation of the alleged violation, a statement that it is a grievance
being filed under Article 18, the remedy sought and to whom the response should be
directed. Once filed, neither the grievant nor Union shall expand upon the original
written grievance.
(e) Time limits specified in this Article shall be strictly observed, unless the parties mutually
agree to extend them. If agreed to, extensions of time limits shall be stipulated in writing.
(f) “Filed” for purposes of all grievances shall mean postmarked (dated by meter or U.S. Post
Office), or the actual date of receipt. Grievances received after close of regular business
hours shall be considered received on the following business day.
(g) If at any step of the grievance procedure the University fails to issue a response within
the times specified, the grievant or Union may file the grievance at the next step.
(h) If the Union or grievant fails to file the grievance at the subsequent step within the time
specified, the grievance will be considered withdrawn and cannot be resubmitted.
(i) Grievances involving multiple Graduate Employees from multiple departments shall be
filed initially at Step 3.
(j) At the request of either party, a meeting between the Union and the University’s
representative will take place at any step of the grievance procedure. If a meeting is held
at the request of the Grievant and/or the Union, any time limit for the Employer’s
response set forth below shall begin with the date of the meeting.
Section 2
The parties acknowledge the benefit of resolving grievances at the lowest possible step. Prior
to filing a grievance under this Article, Graduate Employees are encouraged to address issues
informally with their supervisor or other University representative with authority to resolve
the specific issue. Use of this informal process will not alter timelines required to file a formal
Step 1: Should a grievance not be resolved informally, or should a grievant decide not to use
an informal process, a formal grievance shall be filed with the direct supervisor. The
supervisor shall respond with reasoning explained in writing within thirty (30) calendar
days. Should the supervisor also be the Grievant’s academic advisor, the grievance shall
be filed at Step 2. The parties agree that all Step 1 grievance settlements shall not violate
this agreement as non-precedential and shall not be cited by either party or their agents
or members in any arbitration or fact-finding proceedings now or in the future. Step 1
grievance settlements shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Grievant and the
supervisor. Actions taken pursuant to Step 1 settlement agreements shall not be deemed
to establish or change practices under the Collective Bargaining agreement.
Step 2: Should a grievance not be resolved at Step 1, the Graduate Employee or Union may file
the grievance with the appropriate head of the administrative unit in which the Graduate
Employee works (Chair, School Head, Center Director, Dean) within fifteen (15) calendar
days from receipt of the Step 1 response or if a response was not received within thirty
(30) days from when the response was due. The head of the administrative unit or their
designee shall respond with reasoning explained in writing within fifteen (15) calendar
Step 3: Should the grievance not be resolved at Step 2; the Graduate Employee or Union may
file the grievance with the Provost or their designee within thirty (30) calendar days from
the date on which the employee or Union receives the Step 2 response or if no response
was received within fifteen (15) days from the date the response was due. Grievances
filed with the Provost or their designee shall be responded to with reasoning explained in
writing within fifteen (15) calendar days. Should a grievance not be resolved at Step 3,
the Union may request arbitration.
Section 3
To advance a grievance to arbitration:
(a) The Union must notify the University of its decision to arbitrate within twenty-one
(21) calendar days of receipt of the Step 3 response or if no response was received
within twenty- one (21) days from when the response was due.
(b) Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the Union’s notification of intent to arbitrate,
the Union will notify the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) of the
dispute and request a list of arbitrators that shall be specifically limited to Oregon,
Washington, and Idaho arbitrators. The parties shall attempt to reach agreement on a
permanent panel of arbitrators and a process for using such arbitrators. In the
absence of agreement on such a panel and process, the current selection process will
be retained and the Union will request a list of five (5) arbitrators from the
Employment Relations Board. The parties will then alternately strike names, one at a
time. The party striking the first name will be determined by the flip of a coin. The last
remaining name shall be the arbitrator selected to hear the current grievance.
(c) The arbitrator shall have authority to hear and rule on issues which arise over
arbitrability. Such issues if raised must be heard prior to hearing the merits of the
grievance advanced to arbitration. The parties may mutually agree to allow the
arbitrator to take procedural issues under advisement and to proceed with the
hearing on the merits. If the arbitrator rules the grievance is non-arbitrable, they shall
not issue a ruling on the merits.
(d) If either party request that post-hearing briefs be filed, the arbitrator shall set the
date for submission of those briefs.
(e) The parties agree that the decision and award of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding. The arbitrator shall have no authority to rule contrary to or change any of the
terms of this Agreement.
(f) The arbitrator shall have no authority to hear or decide any grievance relating to an
academic decision or judgment concerning the employee as a student. The arbitrator
shall have no authority to reinstate an employee who is no longer a student or
otherwise does not meet the criteria to be a Graduate Employee.
(g) All fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be paid by the party not prevailing in the
Section 4
If a Graduate Employee feels that they have been harassed, discriminated, or retaliated
against, the employee should report the incident to the University Office of Equal Opportunity
and Access (EOA). Under these conditions, the Graduate Employee may choose to request a
Union representative to assist in reporting the incident and attending any meetings the
Graduate Employee may have with EOA. A Graduate Employee may provide the Union with a
copy of an outcome letter, when applicable.
Should the Graduate Employee choose to file a formal grievance alleging discrimination,
retaliation, or harassment, the grievance must be filed at Step 3 of the grievance process, with
a copy being submitted to Employee and Labor Relations. The matter will be sent to the
University Office of Equal Opportunity and Access.
The Provost of their designee will confirm receipt of the Step 3 grievance within fifteen (15)
days. The Provost of their designee will issue a ruling on the Step 3 grievance within sixty (60)
days after the receipt of the grievance. If a grievance is filed pursuant to this Article, this shall
serve as the exclusive remedy for claims under the Agreement and the Graduate Employee
may not seek a separate resolution of similar claims through the University Office of Equal
Opportunity and Access.
Section 5
This article does not apply to issues of: academic standing, academic standards, policies, and
procedures or their implementation or application; or academic degree, program, and course
offerings and requirements. Such grievances are covered by the Graduate School Academic
Grievance Policy.
Section 1
The Union and the Associate Vice Provost of Academic Employee and Labor Relations or their
designee agree to meet on a monthly basis or at the request of either party to discuss matters
pertinent in the implementation or administration of this Agreement or other mutually
agreeable matters. The request for such meetings shall contain a recommended agenda of
items to be discussed. Each party may have up to five (5) representatives at such meetings.
Additional representatives may be allowed upon mutual agreement of the parties. Matters
related to grievance(s) or arbitration shall be handled pursuant to Article 18.
Section 2
The parties agree that such meetings shall not constitute or be used for the purpose of
Section 3
Any resolution or agreements made as a result of these meetings shall be reduced to writing
and signed by the parties.
International Graduate Employees who wish and/or are required to vote in their national
elections and can only do so at the consular agency, must provide the employing department
with both reasonable advance notice and documentation. The employing department will
arrange the work to allow the Graduate Employee adequate travel time to the nearest
consular agency where the Graduate Employee may vote.
When jury duty service interferes with the work assignment of an employee, the employee
shall be entitled to leave with pay for such time. The employee shall immediately notify their
supervisor upon being summoned as a juror. To the extent possible, the employee shall
attempt to schedule jury duty around work assignments. The employee may keep any money
paid by the court for such service. The University reserves the right to petition for removal of
the employee from jury duty if, in the University’s judgment, the operating requirements of
the University would be hampered. Upon dismissal from jury service, the employee shall
immediately return to their normal duties.
Section 1 Parking
Graduate Employees may choose to have their parking permit charged as a payroll deduction.
The payroll deduction shall be taken equally from the employee’s Fall Term paychecks,
beginning in October.
Section 2 Liability
The Union shall indemnify and hold the University harmless against any and all claims,
damages, suits or other forms of liability which may arise out of any action taken or not taken
by the University for the purpose of complying with the provisions of Section 1 of this Article.
Section 3 Campus Transportation
The University will continue to assess the operating hours of campus transportation, such as the
Beaver Bus service(s), and seek feedback from Graduate Employees regarding which routes
need to be expanded.
Section 4 Transportation Committee
OSU’s Transportation Committee will include a Graduate Employee selected by the Union.
Section 1 Travel and Mileage
The University and the Union agree that reimbursement for travel and/or mileage will
be in accordance with policy and rates established in the Financial Administrative
Standard Operating Manual (FASOM) or its successor. The employer will give the Union
at least thirty (30) days’ notice of any proposed changes to FASOM which directly
affect travel and/or mileage reimbursement.
Section 2 Immunizations
The employing department or program will pay or reimburse employees for
immunizations required to perform the functions of their jobs as specified in writing by
the department or program.
Section 1
Neither the University nor the Union shall discriminate nor tolerate discrimination on the basis
of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status,
national origin, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, or any other
protected class under State or Federal Law.
All allegations or reports of discrimination or bullying involving Graduate Employees (including,
but not limited to, harassment and sexual harassment) should be reported as outlined in
Article 18 Section 4.
Section 2
Neither the University nor the Union will discriminate nor tolerate discrimination against a
Graduate Employee on the basis of union membership or non-membership. The University and
the Union will work together to provide and promote equal access to all Graduate Employee
Section 3
Grievances alleging violations of Section 1 of this Article can be grieved only at Step 3 of the
grievance article and are not subject to arbitration. Unresolved discrimination grievances may
be submitted to the Bureau of Labor and Industries or the Equal Employment Opportunity
Section 4
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) will engage with requests for
accommodation within fifteen (15) business days with communication being provided to the
requesting Graduate Employee. In order to best accommodate the Graduate Employee’s
request, EOA may ask for supporting medical documentation. If the Graduate Employee is
unable to provide medical documentation, EOA and the Graduate Employee will work on an
alternative method to identify a reasonable accommodation in accordance with state and
federal law governing disability accommodations.
Section 5
In instances where a Graduate Employee alleges retaliatory conduct from a supervisor for any
reason, the Graduate Employee may file a new grievance over that retaliation per guidelines in
Article 18.
Section 6
Graduate Employees who request a change in name using the University’s “name-in-use
policy will have their requested name-in-use be uniformly and automatically applied to all
University-controlled documents, course catalogues, email accounts, etc. where their name is
used. The Union recognizes that there are documents that the University must maintain
consistent with state and federal law and that the University does not control all aspects of
those documents.
Section 1 - Mechanical, equipment, and workplace safety
The University acknowledges an obligation to provide a safe and healthy environment for its
employees and agrees to do so in accordance with any and all applicable local, State and
Federal laws pertaining to occupational safety and health.
(a) Training: The department shall see that Graduate Employees are properly instructed
and supervised in the safe operation of any machinery, tools, equipment, process or
practice which they are authorized to use or apply during the course and scope of their
employment and in the proper handling of dangerous or toxic substances. OSU will
develop and assign annual required training on anti-harassment and anti-bullying for
Graduate Employees and their supervisors. A CGE representative will be invited to
review these trainings and make recommendations for the appropriateness of these
Training will be provided to the employee without loss of pay and costs shall be covered
by the Employer. Time spent in required trainings will be counted as hours worked in the
employment period.
(b) Field Training: If the Graduate Employee’s work assignment includes off-campus field
work, the supervisor shall see that the Graduate Employee is properly trained not only in
the safe operation of all equipment, but also in appropriate field safety, including sexual
harassment training, first-aid, and emergency contact protocols. The anti-harassment
and anti-bullying training as described in Article 25, section 1 (a), shall be required of
Graduate Employees and supervisors, and must include a module specific to field based
work. Time spent in required trainings will be counted as hours worked in the
employment period.
(c) Equipment: It is the responsibility of the University to provide, at no cost to the
Graduate Employee, all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) required for the
safe and healthy execution of their duties, including work in the field, as well as training
in the proper use of any issued PPE. For Graduate Employees participating in field work,
this may include emergency contact equipment appropriate to the work that is being
(d) Worksite Conditions: As determined by the university’s designated official, if there are
hazardous conditions (e.g., severe weather or fire) at a field location or the primary job
location that impedes the Graduate Employee’s ability to perform the assigned work, a
Graduate Employee will consult with their supervisor and the applicable University
resources for further guidance. In some instances, a Remote Work Agreement may be
utilized if deemed an appropriate alternative by the supervisor.
A Remote Work Agreement may be utilized if a Graduate Employee is unable to work in
person and if the work can effectively be performed remotely and is consistent with
OSU’s appointment, payroll, and employment law processes and obligations.
(e) If, after reporting to the supervisor that a specific substance, task or assignment may
jeopardize personal health or safety, correction is not made, that employee may refuse
to perform such activity without penalty until the appropriate health or safety office has
reviewed the situation and made a finding. The University shall notify the Union of each
determination that is made. In the event of extraordinary hazards that impose
impending harm to an employee, the employee may cease work before contacting their
supervisor without penalty; however, employees must report such extraordinary
circumstances immediately when it is safe to do so for the appropriate health or safety
office to review the situation and make a finding.
If a Graduate Employee disagrees with the determination of a particular health and
safety office regarding a workplace safety complaint, the Graduate Employee may
challenge the determination by filing a grievance per Article 18.
(f) Utilities: The University acknowledges an obligation to provide and reasonably maintain
appropriate utilities in University controlled workplaces, and agrees to do so at no cost
to the Graduate Employee. Graduate Employees who believe necessary utilities in their
workspace are not provided or maintained appropriately, should contact their
immediate supervisor.
Section 2 - Safety and health committees
Oregon State University commits to maintaining a position for a CGE representative on the
University health and safety committee and convening the committee.
Section 1
An employee injured on the job or who contracts a disease or illness as a result of work
performed and/or the work environment shall notify their supervisor as soon as practical after
the incident giving rise to the injury or after becoming aware of the disease or illness. The
employer shall provide necessary forms and reasonable assistance for the employee to file a
Workers’ Compensation claim. The employee shall provide the University’s workers’
compensation insurance carrier with all information and documents necessary to process their
Section 2
When, upon advice of their physician, an employee requires modified work or a modified work
schedule due to an on-the-job injury or work-related disease or illness, the University will
make a good faith effort to accommodate the employee’s needs. Upon request of the
employer, the employee shall provide a certification from their treating physician confirming
the need for modified work or a modified schedule.
Section 3
An employee who is unable to work due to an on-the-job injury or work- related disease or
illness, shall be accorded all rights of applicable statutes and regulations. Upon the treating
physician’s certification that the employee is able to return to their job, the employee shall be
returned in accordance with all applicable statutes and regulations.
The University agrees to comply with provisions of relevant statutes governing Unemployment
Insurance, Social Security, Workers’ Compensation, the Public Employee Collective Bargaining
Act (PECBA), the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Medicare, and the Oregon Family
Leave Act (OFLA). To the extent that these statutes provide the University with discretion in
their interpretation and application, the University reserves such discretion and the Union
reserves the right to grieve the interpretation.
The University agrees to continue providing access to health insurance for Graduate
Employees as defined in this Article.
Section 1 Mandatory Enrollment
The parties agree that enrollment in a health insurance plan is required by the University as a
condition of appointment. The University will enroll all Graduate Employees with an
appointment of 0.3 FTE or greater in the University health insurance plan prior to the start of
the Graduate Employee’s appointment or reappointment during either the academic year or
Summer Session. Graduate Employees are required as a condition of employment to be
enrolled in the University health insurance plan unless they submit a waiver request and
receive approval as outlined in Section 2 of this article.
A Graduate Employee may choose to enroll their partner, children, or family in the University
health insurance plan. The enrollment form must be submitted to University Human Resources
within the first thirty (30) days of the start of the appointment. Unless there is a break in the
Graduate Employee’s health insurance coverage, all previously enrolled dependents will be
automatically enrolled in the subsequent term for which the Graduate Employee is eligible for
health insurance, including Summer Session. If a family member should not be reenrolled, the
Graduate Employee must submit a new enrollment form to University Human Resources
within the first thirty (30) days of the start of the appointment, or before May 1st for Summer
Section 2 Waiver of Enrollment
A Graduate Employee may waive enrollment in the University health insurance plan by
providing proof of enrollment in another plan that is deemed equivalent or better by
University Human Resources.
Equivalent or better is defined as a health insurance plan that includes medical, pharmacy,
vision, and dental coverage and meets or exceeds the exact level of coverage that is offered on
the plan provided by the University.
If an otherwise equivalent plan does not include dental coverage, the Graduate Employee can
apply for a waiver of medical/vision and enroll in dental-only coverage at the Graduate
Employee’s cost. A Graduate Employee must submit a completed waiver application form,
insurance identification card, and full summary of benefits to University Human Resources
within 30 days of the start date of their position.
Graduate Employees who receive a denial of their request for a waiver will be notified of the
The reasons that their plan is not considered equivalent
Contact information for the Union
The opportunity to discuss the decision with University Human Resources and
their chosen Union representative, with a member of Employee and Labor
Relations present.
Section 3 Premiums and Contributions
a) Effective September 16, 2019 through September 15, 2024, the University shall
contribute 90% of the cost of the ‘Graduate Employee only’ insurance premium and half
the administrative fees for each month in which the Graduate Employee qualifies.
b) The University shall contribute to the cost of the enrolled Graduate Employee’s partner
or child or family premium at the same rates mentioned in Section 3(a) of this Article for
each month in which the Graduate Employee qualifies.
c) The University shall continue to contribute to the cost of the ‘Graduate Employee only’
premium and administrative fees at the same rate as the previous term for each month
in which the Graduate Employee is on approved medical leave, up to three months for
an approved continuous medical leave of absence.
d) The University shall continue to contribute to the cost of the enrolled Graduate
Employee’s Partner or child or family premium at the same rate as the previous term for
each month in which the Graduate Employee is on approved medical leave, up to twelve
(12) weeks for an approved continuous medical leave of absence.
e) The Graduate Employee’s portion of the premium is due and payable at the first of
each month during the Graduate Employee’s employment period.
f) Graduate Employees who waive coverage under the University health plan are not
eligible to receive the University’s contribution.
Section 4 Summer Session Coverage
a) To be eligible for summer coverage, a Graduate Employee must have a Fall, Winter, or
Spring Term appointment in the current academic year and be enrolled in the Graduate
School for either the Summer Session or the following Fall Term.
b) The University shall contribute to the cost of Summer Session ‘Graduate Employee
only’ health insurance coverage at the same rates mentioned in Section 3(a) of this
c) The University shall contribute to the cost of the Graduate Employee’s partner or child
or family Summer Session coverage at the same rates mentioned in Section 3(a) of this
d) Graduate Employees enrolled on the University health insurance plan and employed
any term during the previous academic year will be automatically enrolled in Summer
Session health insurance unless they file to graduate in the Spring Term or submit a
Summer Session insurance opt-out form before May 1st.
e) The Graduate Employee’s health insurance coverage level for Summer Session will match
the coverage level during their last prior appointment period, either ‘Graduate Employee
only’, family, partner, or child, unless they make these changes by May 1st or have a
qualifying life event that allows for dependent enrollment changes to be made.
f) One-ninth of the total Summer Session health insurance for the appropriate level of
coverage will be deducted from each of the Graduate Employee’s monthly paychecks
during the academic year, beginning in October.
g) Graduate Employees who wish to opt out of Summer Session coverage must submit an
opt out form by May 1st. For all Graduate Employees who opt out of Summer Session
coverage or graduate, the Graduate Employee contribution for Summer Session
coverage that was previously deducted will be refunded in the June payroll.
h) The University will be held harmless if the Graduate Employee fails to opt-out or fails
to change their dependent enrollment information before the deadline.
Section 5 - Failure to Comply
a) Should a Graduate Employee receive health insurance coverage through the Summer
Session and not return in Fall Term, for reasons other than graduation, they can be held
responsible for reimbursing the University for the employer’s contributions.
b) If a Graduate Employee fails to provide a waiver to opt-out of health insurance by
October 1 for Fall Term, January 1 for Winter Term, April 1 for Spring Term, or May 1
for Summer Session, they will be automatically enrolled in the University health
insurance plan.
Section 6 Plan Administration
a) The Graduate Employee health insurance plan shall be administered by University
Human Resources with advice from the joint Graduate Employee Health Insurance
Advisory Council (HIAC). The HIAC shall be comprised of three (3) Graduate Employee
members selected by the Union and three (3) members selected by the University and
shall meet at least once per academic term excluding Summer Session.
b) The University will contract with a health insurance consultant to assist with
administration of the University health insurance plan. The University will pay all costs
for the contracted consultant.
c) The Union agrees that its right to bargain future benefit contribution rates pertains only to
bargaining unit members.
Section 7 Notice of Rate Increase
Should Graduate Employee health insurance plan rates increase more than 10% or
administrative fees increase more than 20%, the University will provide written notice to
the Union of the anticipated increase within forty-five (45) days of the receipt of the notice.
To create inclusive work spaces on campus, the University agrees to provide access to gender-
neutral restroom facilities. All newly constructed or renovated buildings will include at least
one gender-neutral restroom facility per building and will comply with applicable building
If there are no single-occupancy restrooms in a given building, multi-stall restrooms will be
converted from binary-gendered restrooms to gender-neutral ones, per code requirements.
Five building conversions will be completed by September 15, 2023. Remaining buildings will be
assessed for restroom conversion and a list of those which can be readily converted will be
finalized by September 2022.
Gender-neutral locker rooms must be designed to focus on the safety and privacy of our OSU
community, including Graduate Employees, and shall be utilized for the sole purpose of a locker
room, separate from staff locker rooms. This includes the gender-neutral locker rooms in Dixon
Recreation Center and the Women’s Building.
Section 1 Sick Leave with Pay
The parties acknowledge applicability of the state Sick Leave Act to Graduate Employees
represented by the Union. It is agreed by the parties that sick leave with pay for Graduate
Employees shall be determined in the following manner:
(a) Eligibility for Sick Leave with Pay. Graduate Employees shall be eligible for
sick leave with pay immediately upon accrual.
(b) Availability for Sick Leave with Pay. Sick Leave accruals will be available at the
beginning of each academic term that the Graduate Employee receives an
appointment. Accrual balances may be viewed by the Graduate Employee in
the on-line time and attendance system accessed through the EmpCenter at
(c) Determination of Service for Sick Leave with Pay. Time worked and sick leave
with pay shall be included in determining the pro rata accrual of sick leave
hours provided.
(d) Accrual Rate of Sick Leave. Graduate Employees shall accrue sick leave at the following
rate per academic term:
t Fraction
Sick Leave
Accrual (Hours)
(e) Compensation Rate of Sick Leave Accrual. When a Graduate Employee uses sick
leave accruals, they will be compensated at their current rate of pay.
(f) Carry Over, Reappointment, and Restoration of Sick Leave Accruals. Up to one
hundred (100) hours of unused sick leave will be carried into the next Graduate
Employee appointment period when the next appointment occurs within five
(5) years of the end of the original appointment.
(g) Limitations on Sick Leave with Pay. Maximum accrual is fifty (50) hours in a fiscal year.
Section 2 Utilization of Sick Leave with Pay
(a) Conditions of Use. Sick leave may be taken by a Graduate Employee when they or
their family member experiences a mental or physical illness, injury or health
condition, need for a medical diagnosis, care or treatment of mental or physical
illness, injury or health condition or need for preventative care. Sick leave may be
taken as parental leave within 12 months of the birth, adoption, or fostering of a
child. Sick leave may also be taken as bereavement within 90 days of a death of a
family member, as defined in Section 2(b). Sick leave may be taken in the event that
a lawful public health authority declares an emergency relating to the Graduate
Employee’s employment, their self-care, or the care of a family member. Sick leave
may be taken in the event that the Graduate Employee seeks legal services, law
enforcement services, or medical treatment relating to intimate partner violence,
harassment, sexual assault or stalking experienced by themselves or a family
member. In these cases, survivor services and home relocations may also be covered
by sick leave. Equal Opportunity and Access,, provides
support to those experiencing these circumstances.
(b) Definition of Family Member. “Family member” means the spouse or partner of an
employee; the biological, adoptive or foster parent or child of the employee; the
grandparent or grandchild of the employee; the sibling of the employee; a parent-
in-law of the employee; or a person with whom the employee was or is in a
relationship with in the place of a parent.
(c) Requests and Recording of Sick Leave Accrual Use. The University must provide a
Graduate Employee their accrued paid sick leave upon request. Requests shall be
made in writing, including electronic communication, to the Office of Human
Resources. The University will post current contract information on the Office of
Human Resources website for the unit responsible for fulfilling these requests. In the
event that the leave is not foreseeable, the Graduate Employee must make a
reasonable effort to notify their supervisor five (5) days in advance of the absence and
provide an estimated amount of time that leave is expected. In the event that the use
of the leave is unforeseeable, the Graduate Employee will notify their supervisor as
soon as reasonably possible. Requests will be made in accordance with the
expectations of the employing unit, and leave will be recorded in advance in cases of
foreseeable leave, or immediately upon the return from leave in cases of
unforeseeable leave. Leave will be recorded in the University’s online time and
attendance system in hourly increments through the EmpCenter at
Section 3 Coverage for Sick Leave Use
Expectations for coverage for use of sick leave should be discussed in advance of the
use of leave between the Graduate Employee and supervisor of their employing unit.
(a) Limitations to Require a Replacement. The University must not require the
Graduate Employee to search for or find a replacement Graduate Employee
when utilizing accrued sick leave or work an alternative shift or schedule to
make up for the use of the sick time.
(b) Flexible Schedules. With mutual consent between the Graduate Employee and
supervisor, the Graduate Employee may “flex” their schedule by working additional
hours or shifts in place of
using sick leave accruals.
Section 4 Application of Sick Leave to Other Leaves
Graduate Employees may be eligible for leave under multiple University policies as a student
or as an employee, whether for their own medical condition or the condition of a family
member. A full description of the leave policies and coverages that may apply to Graduate
Employees can be found at:
leave-act-fmla/graduate-assistantships- family-medical-leave. Eligible leaves, including but not
limited to paid sick leave under this Article, will run concurrently when coverages overlap. For
each qualifying leave, the employee must first utilize accrued and donated paid sick leave, and
then enter into unpaid leave status until they return to work.
Section 5 Leave Donation
(a) Graduate Employees on an active appointment may irrevocably donate up to
50 hours of accrued sick leave to other Graduate Employees on an active
(b) A Graduate Employee may receive a one (1) time donation of up to 50 hours of sick
leave, either as a donation from a single employee or as a combined donation from
multiple employees. The University shall not assume any tax liabilities that would
otherwise accrue to the employee receiving the donation. The Graduate Employee
receiving donated leave must use the leave in accordance with the provisions set forth
in Section 2 (A) of this Article. If the sick leave donation recipient fails to exhaust
donated leave for the purpose for which it was donated, the unused leave donations
shall be returned to the donating employee(s).
(c) Applications for donated leave shall be in writing and sent to the University’s Office
of Human Resources. Donated leave may be used intermittently. In cases where a
new accrual is received by the Graduate Employee during the leave period, the
Graduate Employee’s accruals will be used first, prior to the use or continued use of
donated leave.
Section 6 Reinstatement of Job Duties Upon Return from Leave
Upon return to an existing appointment, Graduate Employees who return to work after taking
protected leave will be reinstated to a position at an equivalent or higher salary and FTE as their
previous position. Whenever possible, Graduate Employees will be given the same position they
previously held upon return to an existing appointment.
Section 7 Access to Sick Leave Policy and Procedure
A description of the University Sick Leave Policy for Graduate Employees in the bargaining unit
will be displayed on the University’s Human Resources website. The University will include
information on the Leave policy during all of the University-offered orientations for new
Graduate Employees.
Section 8 - Nondiscrimination
Use of sick leave accruals under the provisions set forth in this article are
protected under Article 24- Nondiscrimination.
Section 1 Family Leave
All eligible Graduate Employees may take up to twelve weeks of a continuous block of leave
from an active appointment as parental leave or to care for their own serious health condition
or that of a family member. Qualifying events for this leave include the birth, adoption, or
fostering of a child. Starting October 1, 2020, the Employer will cover the time with pay three
(3) weeks at the Graduate Employee’s current FTE. The Graduate Employee will have access
to a continuation of benefits for the duration of their family leave for both paid and unpaid
leave. To be eligible for family leave, a Graduate Employee must be on a current appointment
or have been on an appointment in the term immediately prior to the leave of absence.
Employing units will not intentionally decrease or terminate the assistantship of a Graduate
Employee seeking family leave as a means of reducing the Graduate Employee’s access to
family leave benefits. Graduate Employees who take family leave will be guaranteed an
appointment at or above the same FTE and funding amount upon their return to a current
Section 2 - Consultation and Notification
The administration agrees that the current Medical and Family Leave policy which pertains to
Graduate Employees will not be substantially changed without consultation with CGE.
Additionally, CGE may provide input regarding the policy, including recommending
modifications for consideration by the policy-makers.
All Graduate Employees seeking Medical and Family Leave will be informed that they may
request a CGE advocate to help them through the process at any point. Office of Human
Resources will also provide this information to any Graduate Employee currently on
Medical and Family Leave.
On behalf of Coalition of Graduate Employees: On behalf of the Employer:
7/2/2020 | 17:43:01 PDT
Erin Abernethy, Co-Lead Negotiator Heather Horn, Lead Negotiator
7/2/2020 | 14:48:37 PDT
Associate Vice Provost Employee & Labor Relations
7/2/2020 | 17:43:35 PDT
Emalydia Flenory, Co-Lead Negotiator
7/2/2020 | 17:14:51 PDT
Aneeq Ahmed Stephanie Bernell
Associate Dean, Graduate College
7/2/2020 | 16:46:35 PDT
7/6/2020 | 09:38:19 PDT
Alexandra Avila
7/2/2020 | 16:17:05 PDT
7/6/2020 | 08:45:48 PDT
Farallon Broughton Sherman Bloomer
7/2/2020 | 15:54:58
Patrick Carilli
7/2/2020 | 15:48:53 PDT
7/5/2020 | 12:59:24 PDT
Hazel Daniels Eric Kirby
Associate Dean, Academic Programs in CEOAS
7/2/2020 | 17:13:01 PDT
Sarah Erickson
7/2/2020 | 17:26:04 PDT
7/5/2020 | 20:59:07 PDT
Nicholas Fisher Linda Nye
Human Resources Officer
7/2/2020 | 21:24:32 PDT
David Glennon
7/3/2020 | 07:51:15 PDT
7/6/2020 | 08:06:58 PDT
Lzz Johnk Cory Vieira
Senior Employee and Labor Relations Officer
7/3/2020 | 11:18:10 PDT
Zoe Juozapaitis
7/2/2020 | 17:49:32 PDT
7/6/2020 | 19:07:28 PDT
Erin Kanzig Edward Feser
7/3/2020 | 14:37:27
Nicole Metildi
7/2/2020 | 14:58:38 PDT
7/7/2020 | 08:08:16 PDT
Gabrielle Miller F. King Alexander
7/2/2020 | 15:49:48 PDT
Jon Ruff Nathan Waugh
8/26/2022 | 17:15:47 PDT
8/19/2022 | 17:22:22
8/27/2022 | 00:15:28 PDT
8/27/2022 | 10:51:43 PDT
8/29/2022 | 15:17:32 PDT
9/1/2022 | 08:47:04 PDT
9/1/2022 | 10:32:09 PDT
9/1/2022 | 12:59:41 PDT
7/5/2020 | 12:43:09 PDT
Limited Reopener Ratified on July 18, 2022
On behalf of Coalition of Graduate Employees: On behalf of the Employer:
Ryan Chave Trina Young, Lead Negotiator
Int. Asst. Director Employee and Labor Relations
John Stepanek Sherman Bloomer
8/22/2022 | 11:10:42 PDT
Associate Vice President, Budget and Resource Planning
8/22/2022 | 11:22:43 PDT
Christian Solorio Stephanie Bernell
Associate Dean, Graduate School
8/22/2022 | 11:23:22 PDT
Zoe Thompson Jessica Beck
Assistant Dean, Graduate School
8/29/2022 | 15:44:05 PDT
Tilottama Chatterjee Carol Millie
8/22/2022 | 12:27:51 PDT
Senior Employee and Labor Relations Officer
8/22/2022 | 13:11:08 PDT
Edward Feser
Paige Reynolds Rebecca Johnson
Interim President
8/23/2022 | 09:27:22 PDT
Joachim Schuder
Jerry Sun
9/1/2022 | 12:58:46 PDT
Cassidy Wagner
Brandi Whiteman
8/31/2022 | 12:20:22
Felisha Imholt
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9C40BD59-B5BD-45B2-9AF0-003621BBFEC8
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9C40BD59-B5BD-45B2-9AF0-003621BBFEC8
The University and the Union align in their mutual commitment to prevent harassment and
discrimination while supporting the care and success of Graduate Employees. Both parties
recognize the value of training, seminars, and workshops to increase capacity for liberatory and
anti-oppression work. The parties will form a committee, composed of two representatives
from the Coalition of Graduate Employees and two representatives from the University, with
the purpose of recommending objectives and outcomes that emphasize capacity building for
prevention, support and care. The target audience of these trainings will be the supervisors of
Graduate Employees. The committee must be formed within three (3) months of the
ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and shall strive to make a recommendation
within six (6) months of the ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The University will create a dedicated hardship fund to assist graduate students, including
those who hold a Graduate Employee position, who are experiencing unexpected financial
hardship. This fund is provided to help graduate students with demonstrated financial need.
The CGE may provide input on eligibility criteria. This hardship fund will be established starting
Academic Year 2021-22 and administered on an ongoing basis through the Graduate School
who will keep the names of all award recipients anonymous. In the first year, the University
will provide $50,000 for the fund and will evaluate need and utilization in subsequent years. If
there are sufficient qualifying requests, at least fifty percent of the funds will be awarded to
applicants who also hold graduate employee appointments. Effective September 16, 2022, the
University shall increase the Hardship Fund by $75,000. Eligibility for these funds for Graduate
students facing unexpected and immediate economic hardship that significantly affects their
academic progress in their current degree program at Oregon State University includes, but is
not limited to: housing insecurity, employment accessibility, health emergencies, unexpected
family situations, access to academic materials/resources, childcare expenses, etc.
All degree seeking graduate students are eligible to apply for the Hardship Fund in Summer
term, if they were enrolled in the previous Spring term and are registered for a minimum of
three credits in the Fall. Graduate students who receive a hardship award may choose to have
the funds applied first to their student account balance and receive the remaining funds
directly, or may choose to receive the full award amount via check or direct deposit.
For the term of this Agreement (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2024), the Parties agree to form
a joint committee consisting of two representatives from the Coalition of Graduate Employees
and two representatives from the University with the sole purpose of reviewing housing needs
and challenges on and near all OSU campuses, including Corvallis, Bend, Portland, and
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9C40BD59-B5BD-45B2-9AF0-003621BBFEC8
Newport. Topics within this purview shall include, but are not limited to: OSU housing policies;
institutional support to OSU employees who require housing assistance; OSU's expansion and
growth priorities and their impacts on housing; and OSU lobbying efforts at all levels of
government (city, county, state, and federal). The Associate Vice Provost of Academic
Employee and Labor Relations shall constitute the joint committee within three months of the
ratification of this Agreement.
Any recommendations proposed by the joint committee will be considered by the University
but will not alter any terms of the Parties’ bargaining agreement.