between the
and the
INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION ...................................................................... 1
A. PARTIES......................................................................................................... 1
B. RECOGNITION ............................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE I PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL LEAVES ................................... 2
ARTICLE II ILLNESS OR DISABILITY LEAVES .................................................. 4
ARTICLE III MISCELLANEOUS LEAVE PROVISIONS ....................................... 5
ARTICLE IV JOB SHARING................................................................................. 6
ARTICLE V RETIREMENT PAY AND BENEFITS ............................................... 8
ARTICLE VII PROF ESSIONAL COMPENSATION ........................................... 11
ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................ 16
ARTICLE IX INSURANCE .................................................................................. 22
ARTICLE X EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING ................................................ 25
ARTICLE XI TEACHER'S PROTECTION .......................................................... 26
ARTICLE XII MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS ..................................................... 27
ARTICLE XIII GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................................................ 28
ARTICLE XIV TERM OF AGREEMENT ............................................................. 30
APPENDIX A GRIEVANCE FORM .................................................................... 31
This Agreement is entered into, by and between the Board of School Commissioners of
the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, hereinafter called the "Board" or "IPS," and the
Indianapolis Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association" or "IEA."
Section 1: The Board recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining
representative for all licensed contractual employees of the Board including licensed
teachers, social workers, guidance counselors, school psychologists, nurses, speech
and language pathologists, teachers on special assignment, lead teachers,
instructional coaches, and media specialists, hereinafter the Negotiating Unit, and
excluding IPS employees assigned to Arlington Middle School other than social
workers, media specialists and special education teachers, employees of innovative
network schools, and all IPS employees who are administrators, supervisors,
confidential employees or employees performing security work, including but not
limited to employees in the following classifications:
Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Learning Officer, Executive Director, Director,
Coordinator, Principal, Supervisor, Assistant Principal, Consultant, Dean, Assistant
Dean, Department Head, Human Resources Officer, and Academic and Behavioral
Section 2: This recognition shall continue until successfully challenged by members of
the Negotiating Unit under applicable statutes and rules and regulations.
Section 3: The term "teacher," when hereafter used, shall refer to every employee in
the above defined Negotiating Unit.
Section 1: Personal. Each teacher shall annually be granted 21 hours for personal leave.
This time shall be used for any purpose at the discretion of the teacher and may be taken in
time periods of not less than one-half) hour increments. No reason must be given other
than personal business. Teachers shall be given an accounting of their unused personal
leave time on each paycheck advice. Unused personal leave time shall be added to
accumulated sick leave at the end of the school year up to the maximum for sick leave
accumulation. Any teacher who is initially contracted on or after the first day of the second
semester of any school year shall be entitled to one-half (
) of the foregoing annual amount
of personal leave for that school year.
Section 2: Bereavement. In case of death in the immediate family, the employed teacher
shall be allowed leave with full pay for three (3) working days within fourteen (14) calendar
days following the date of such death. This period of leave may be extended for a period of two
(2) additional school days if needed by the teacher for the purpose of attending the last burial
rites or to attend to personal matters of the deceased, or the teacher may use the two (2)
additional school days at any time during the twelve (12) month period beyond such death for
the purpose of attending to the affairs of the deceased. The immediate family is defined to
include: legal spouse, child, unborn child, stepchild, grandchild, parents or guardian,
stepparents, grandparents, sister, brother, each similar relationship established by the
employee’s marriage, any other legal dependent, any person for whom the teacher was a legal
dependent, any person for whom the employee has guardianship powers or is the executor of
the estate, any person for whom the employee is the sole surviving relative, and any person
residing in the same household as the employee. A teacher shall be allowed three (3) day's
leave of absence with full pay to attend the funeral of an aunt, uncle, niece or nephew, and
each similar relationship established by marriage. In the event of the death of a member of the
faculty of a school, other members of that faculty and other teachers, who were members of
the same school faculty as the deceased in either of the two (2) preceding school years and/or
were on the same school faculty with the deceased for at least five (5) school years, will be
allowed release time to attend the funeral if such teacher(s) can arrange coverage of classes
by other faculty member(s) of that school.
Section 3: Professional. A teacher may request time off with pay for attendance at
programs, conferences, workshops or seminars conducted by colleges, universities,
governmental agencies, the NEA, ISTA, IEA, or affiliates thereof, and any other professional
organization whose activities are related to education or the job of a teacher. Such request
shall be directed to the Superintendent or designee. The Board may provide sufficient funds
to pay expenses incurred by teachers on professional leaves. The Board may consider
projected teacher absenteeism for the day for which leave is requested in considering such
Section 4: Legal. In the event a teacher is required to perform jury duty, the teacher will be
paid the difference between the teacher’s hourly rate and any jury duty remuneration that is
offered to the teacher.
Section 5: Emergency Leave. If a teacher has exhausted their annual twenty-one (21) hours
of personal leave, and the teacher or a member of their immediate family is involved in an
emergency, the teacher may apply to convert up to thirty-five (35) hours sick leave for any
such year to an emergency leave. Request for such conversion must be submitted to a special
committee composed of two (2) individuals appointed by the Association President and two (2)
individuals appointed by the Superintendent. The Committee may request reasons or
justification for such conversion, and a majority decision by the Committee shall be required to
approve the conversion -- which will normally be after the absence for which the conversion is
requested. This applies only to emergencies, and the parties anticipate that conversion will
occur only under limited, extraordinary circumstances.
Section 6: Floating Holidays. For each academic calendar year, teachers shall receive two
(2) paid days off to be used for any reason as personal floating holidays. Approval will be
granted by the appropriate supervisor provided the teacher has given at least thirty (30) days’
notice, but in every case the request for approval should be made in writing at least forty-eight
(48) hours in advance of the absence. Floating holidays must be taken in full-day increments
and may only be applied to a scheduled workday. A floating holiday does not roll over if
unused and must be taken within the academic calendar year in which it is awarded. Floating
holidays are not paid out upon resignation or retirement.
Section 7: Other Leaves. Teachers shall be entitled upon hire to all board approved leaves
offered pursuant to Section 2 of Administrative Guideline 3430 as of the date of this Agreement
pursuant to its terms, except that (i) teachers will be eligible for Child Rearing and Adoption
leave immediately upon hire and may take such leave in any daily increment; and (ii) new hires
in their first year of employment are limited to four (4) weeks of Child Rearing/Adoption Leave
total. Teachers shall apply accrued paid sick leave to all absences. To the extent any
provision in Section 2 of Administrative Guideline 3430 conflicts with this Agreement, this
Agreement shall govern.
Section 1: Personal Illness. Every teacher shall have seventy (70) hours sick leave during
their first year in the system and fifty-six (56) hours sick leave each year thereafter. Sick leave
may also be used due to illness of any member of the teacher's immediate family (as defined
in Article I, Section 2). A teacher may accumulate unused sick leave without limit, which
accumulated leave shall be used for sick leave purposes only. Any teacher who is initially
contracted on or after the first day of the second semester of any school year shall be entitled
to one-half (1/2) of the foregoing annual amount of sick leave for that school year.
Section 2: Family and Medical Leave Act. Notwithstanding the limitations on use of sick
leave described in Section 1 above, teachers must concurrently use accrued paid sick and
personal leave, in that order, with unpaid Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave.
IPS will continue to pay its portion of all benefits coverages provided for in this Agreement
while a teacher is on a FMLA leave.
Section 3: The Sick Leave Bank (“Bank) is established for use by teachers who have
exhausted their own accumulated sick leave. Any teacher may participate by voluntarily
contributing seven (7) hours sick leave per year to the Bank. Hours shall be contributed by
September 15 (or thirty (30) days after the ratification of the Agreement, whichever is later)
of each year. Any new teacher hired after September 15 in any school year may contribute
seven (7) hours sick time to the Bank within their first thirty (30) school days of
employment. Only teachers who have contributed to the Bank shall be eligible to derive
benefits from the Bank. The Bank shall be administered by the Association, and any grant
approval received by IPS by 9:00 a.m. on the Friday of a regular payday shall be paid by
way of the adjustment procedure no later than the following Thursday. Grants under this
provision shall not exceed two hundred forty-one thousand one hundred thirty-six dollars
($241,136) during the term of this Agreement. IPS and IEA will each appoint two (2)
members to a committee that is charged with developing a new structure for the sick leave
bank. This Subsection 3 remains in effect until the committee completes its work.
Section 4: Any teacher employed in the summer school, intersession and/or the evening
school program may annually utilize not more than seven (7) hours of regularly accumulated
hours of sick leave or personal business leave for illness leave during the summer school,
intersession or evening school program. Each absence from an individual summer school,
intersession or evening school session shall be charged for the hours missed.
Section 1: While on a leave of absence to serve as President of the Indianapolis Education
Association, such teacher shall be eligible to continue to receive full benefits under this
Agreement, and IPS shall be obligated to pay its portion of those benefits as set forth in this
Agreement. While on leave, IPS will adjust such teacher’s compensation consistent with
adjustments made for other similarly situated teachers who are not on leave to the extent
permitted by law.
Section 2: A teacher who is placed on suspension pending a decision by the Board under
Board Resolution No. 1043 shall continue to receive full pay and benefits pending said
Section 3: Return from Leave. Teachers are encouraged to give as much notice as possible
of their intent to return from a leave of absence and are required to provide timely
documentation of ability to return prior to the anticipated date of return. For teachers who are
on a paid leave of absence for one (1) year the following notification requirements apply:
1. By January 15, IPS will send by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last
address the teacher provided to the Human Resource Division a form for the teacher to
declare for the upcoming school year if the teacher is going to return to work, extend the
leave (if an extension is available), or resign;
2. By March 1, the teacher must return the completed form to the Human Resource
3. If the teacher does not do so, then the teacher shall be deemed to have resigned their
employment with IPS.
Upon return from any paid leave, a teacher shall be assigned to a position comparable to their
previous position, if available. In no event will the teacher's base pay be less than it would be if
the teacher were to return to the position held prior to the leave. Benefits programs may be
retained at employee expense during the leave.
Section 1: Job Sharing.
A. The phrase "job sharing" shall mean two (2) bargaining unit members sharing one (1)
full-time position. Job sharers shall not be deemed part-time employees.
B. The Board shall pay, on behalf of each job-sharing teacher, fifty percent (50%) of the
amount toward the fringe benefits set forth in Article IX of the collective bargaining
agreement that the Board pays for full-time teachers. In addition, members of a job-
sharing team shall receive one-half (1/2) the number of sick hours, floating holidays,
and personal leave hours provided to full-time teachers. Both members of a job-
sharing team shall be responsible for attending all faculty meetings, parent-teacher
conferences, and in-service sessions which the full-time bargaining unit employees
assigned to their building are required to attend.
C. Absences of one (1) member of a job-sharing team of three (3) or fewer days at one
time may be covered by the other member of such team provided the job-sharers have
agreed to such a plan and properly notify the administration of the school of such
agreement and of each incident when such an absence is to be covered by the other
team member. If any absence is covered in this manner, the absent teacher shall not be
required to use sick leave or personal leave for such absences.
Section 2: Supplemental Coverage.
Teachers shall receive additional compensation for covering other duties/classes as follows:
A. Compensation for Long-Term Class Coverage
The Board may offer, and a fully-licensed teacher may choose to accept, a role as a
long-term substitute at their own or another IPS building to cover long-term vacancies
during periods in which the teacher is not performing or scheduled to perform classroom
instruction. Such assignment will continue until the end of the semester or until the
vacancy is filled, whichever is sooner. A teacher who accepts the long-term assignment
will be paid at their standard hourly rate [annual salary ÷ 192 ÷ 7] while fulfilling this
assignment. The Board will prioritize offering long-term substitute roles to teachers
whose schedule, licensure, endorsements, and similar considerations align with the
needs of the vacant position.
B. Compensation for Ad Hoc Class Coverage
i. Pilot – This is a pilot program for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years only. The
non-salary/non-wage parameters of this pilot program were not bargained and are
included for informational purposes only.
ii. Loss of Preparation Time – Teachers will receive compensation when they give up
District designated preparation periods (planning time) for class coverage due to the
absence of another teacher.
a. Academic coaches, interventionists, and International Baccalaureate (IB)
coordinators will only receive compensation for classroom coverage if they
cover another teacher’s class for a minimum of three (3) hours, such that they
lose their preparation time.
b. Job-sharing teachers will not receive compensation for classroom coverage
when their co-teachers are absent, unless the coverage requires the teachers
to lose their planning periods.
c. Special-area teachers will be compensated the same as any other teacher
when they cover for a teacher who is absent, and students are split among
iii. Splitting Classes – Teachers will receive additional compensation in accordance with
paragraph iv below when principals place additional students in their classes,
resulting in a class size increase of at least 30%, due to the absence of another
iv. Compensation – Teacher will receive twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour
increment. Time accumulated will round down to the nearest hour increment. Any
amount of time accumulated during a school year less than one hour will not qualify
for reimbursement.
v. Payment of Compensation – Compensation for class coverage will be paid in June
at the end of the applicable school year. Only teachers who remain employed on the
last day of the applicable school year are eligible to receive compensation for
accumulated classroom coverage.
Section 1: All teachers who are eligible to retire and submit their Intent to Retire shall, upon
retirement, receive fifty dollars ($50.00) for every seven (7) hours of unused sick time. This
amount shall be deposited in the teacher’s 403(b) account.
Section 2: In the event of death during the school year of a teacher who is otherwise eligible
for retirement pay and benefits under this Article, the amount of money, if any, to which such
teacher would have been entitled under Section 1, shall still be paid.
Section 3: Each teacher shall have the option to make contributions to the 403(b)
Retirement Savings Plan (“Plan”) by payroll deduction up to the maximum allowable by
federal law. IPS shall match 50% of the teachers contribution up to a maximum of 3% of
the teacher’s salary. For example:
Teacher Contribution Board Match
10% 3% (Maximum)
Teachers shall have the option of rolling into the Plan assets from other Tax Sheltered
Annuities, as permitted by federal law.
If a teacher first began work in IPS prior to the beginning of the 2000-2001 school year, that
teacher's Plan accounts shall be fully vested immediately. If a teacher first begins work in IPS
on or after the first day of the 2000-2001 school year, that teacher's Plan accounts attributable
to employer contributions shall become fully vested after five (5) years of service in IPS. If a
teacher terminates employment with IPS for any reason before his or her accounts have
become fully vested, those accounts will be forfeited. If such a teacher later returns to IPS
employment following a break in service of more than two (2) years, the returning teacher will
start with no account balance and must accumulate five (5) additional years of service after
returning to become fully vested in new account accruals attributable to employer
contributions. A teacher's absence under an authorized leave, paid or unpaid, will not be a
termination of employment.
Each teacher's Plan accounts attributable to teacher contributions and rollover contributions
shall be fully vested at all times.
For each pay period, IPS shall deposit the teacher's contribution and the employer's
contribution for each teacher into individual accounts for the teacher, as established by the
selected vendor.
In the event a teacher's employment is terminated, the teacher may choose to receive a
distribution of the vested balance of his or her Plan accounts, at any time and in any form
permitted by the selected investment provider and federal tax law, or to transfer that vested
balance under applicable federal law. In the event of death, the teacher's vested account
balance shall be distributed to the teacher's designated beneficiary, or estate, if no
beneficiary exists.
This section is intentionally left blank to preserve continuity in Article numbering. Content from
this Article has been moved to Article II.
Section 1: Salary Range.
At the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, the salaries of returning full-time teachers were
between $50,400 to $90,000.
The salary range for the 2023-2024 school year is anticipated to be $51,900 to $94,000, not
including TRF (the Indiana Teachers’ Retirement Fund, a division of the Indiana Public
Retirement System) contributions.
The salary range for the 2024-2025 school year is anticipated to be $53,460 to $94,000, not
including TRF contributions.
Section 2: Base Salary Increases.
A. General Eligibility
A teacher is not eligible for a salary increase and will remain at their prior year salary if:
i. The teacher received an evaluation rating of ineffective or improvement necessary
in the prior school year; or
ii. The teacher did not complete a year of service (120 contract days worked).
However, no teacher’s salary will be below the minimum ($51,900 for 2023-2024
and $53,460 for 2024-2025), unless the lower salary is a result of an ineffective or
needs improvement evaluation rating.
B. Factors and Definitions
i. Evaluation Rating – A teacher who was evaluated and received a rating of highly
effective or effective for the prior school year and did not receive an evaluation
with a rating of ineffective or improvement necessary.
ii. Year of Experience – The teacher was employed by IPS and worked as a
teacher for at least 120 contract days in the prior school year.
iii. Academic Needs – The importance of attracting and retaining teachers in IPS
who, as identified below in Section C (iii), teach in certain subject areas and/or
have effective IPS teaching service beyond novice years.
C. Distribution (Amounts to be Added to a Teacher’s Base Salary)
The total increase to a qualifying teacher’s base salary is a combination of the factors
outlined below. Base pay increases for qualifying teachers will range from $1,850 to
$2,790 for 2023-2024 and $1,900 to $2,870 for 2024-2025.
i. Evaluation Rating
a. Highly Effective Evaluation Rating:
Year 1: $1,290
Year 2: $1,310
b. Effective Evaluation Rating:
Year 1: $1,050
Year 2: $1,070
ii. Year of Experience:
Year 1: $530
Year 2: $550
iii. Academic Needs of Students:
a. Served as a certified Special Education Teacher, ENL Teacher, School
Psychologist, and/or Social Worker (in each case, excluding teachers on
emergency permits) in the prior school year:
Year 1: $530
Year 2: $550
b. Served as a certified STEM core content/STEM CTE teacher and/or
appropriately credentialed dual credit course (in each case, excluding
teachers on emergency permits) in the prior school year:
Year 1: $530
Year 2: $550
c. Completed one (1) to seven (7) years of effective IPS teaching service at
the time of the effective date of the salary increases for the corresponding
school year:
Year 1: $440
Year 2: $460
d. Completed eight (8) or more years of effective IPS teaching service at the
time of the effective date of the salary increases for the corresponding
school year:
Year 1: $270
Year 2: $280
D. The salary increases for the 2023-2024 school year are effective starting July 23,
2023. No other monetary provisions of this Agreement are retroactive. In order to
receive the retroactive payment for an increase, an eligible teacher must have been
employed with IPS as of the ratification date of this Agreement.
E. The salary increases for the 2024-2025 school year are effective starting the first
contract day of the 2024-2025 school year.
F. Redistribution. Based on anticipated evaluation results, the parties believe that all
funds will be distributed and that no redistribution will be necessary. However, in the
event that there are funds that were otherwise allocated for teachers rated
ineffective or improvement necessary, those funds will be redistributed equally to all
eligible teachers rated effective or highly effective. The redistribution will be paid in
the form of a stipend at the end of the school year.
Section 3: Newly Hired Teachers.
IPS has the discretion to set the salary for a newly hired teacher anywhere within the salary
range for the corresponding school year identified above in Section 1. IPS, when exercising
such discretion, shall (i) consider targeted investments in new hire compensation to maintain
competitiveness with the relevant labor market, and (ii) follow a fair and consistent process that
considers internal pay equity and pay band compression. IPS and IEA recognize the inherent
tension that exists between responding to the labor market and ensuring internal equity;
therefore, IPS will carefully balance both considerations and upon reasonable request provide
IEA data concerning IPS’ application of this provision to its salary decisions.
Section 4: 26 Pays.
Compensation earned by teachers during a school year will be paid in twenty-six (26) equal
installments during the year. The first pay date for the school year is the 2
Friday in August.
Section 5: Returning Teachers – Frozen Education Pay.
As required by I.C. 20-28-9-1.5, a teacher who was employed as a teacher at IPS before
October 1, 2014 and has remained employed by IPS as a teacher will continue to receive
educational or “lane” pay determined by degree status as of September 2, 2014.
Section 6: Teachers performing the following ancillary tutoring/workshop services will be
compensated as follows:
Curriculum Writing/Planning: $30.00/hour
Workshop Presentation: $40.00/hour
Preparation for Workshop Presentation: $20.00/hour not to exceed $140.00
Tutoring: $30.00/hour*
Workshop Participant – Mandatory professional development outside of the school
day/week/year: $40.00/hour and Professional Growth Points (PGP)
Workshop Participant – Voluntary professional development at any time: PGP points
and/or $20.00/hour
*IPS shall have the discretion to raise the tutoring hourly rate up to a maximum of $60.00 per
hour based on the availability of additional funds.
Section 7: Payment and Stipends for Summer School.
Teachers performing summer school duties will be paid at their hourly rate [annual salary ÷
192 ÷ 7] for each hour worked.
In addition to payment of a teacher’s hourly rate for performing summer school duties, IPS
shall have the discretion to provide stipends to teachers performing summer school duties
based on the availability of additional funds. The total amount of stipend payments received by
a teacher performing summer school duties may be up to, but shall not exceed, $3,000 during
the term of this Agreement. For example, if additional funds are available, a teacher performing
summer school duties may receive a stipend of $1,000 during Year 1 and $2,000 during Year
2 of the Agreement.
Section 8: Payment for Required Extra Days of Work.
In the event that a member of the certified staff is required to work on authorized IPS programs
or activities beyond the regular school calendar, the member will be paid at the member’s
hourly rate [annual salary ÷ 192 ÷ 7] for the day of work. Authorized IPS programs are defined
as assignments involving the staff member’s regular duties. (i.e. Counselor working additional
days during holiday breaks. “Regular duties” does not include attending professional
development sessions or workshops). Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement,
there shall be no additional compensation to teachers for the first twenty-five (25) hours of new
teacher orientation.
Section 9: Deductions for Certain Daily Absences.
Deductions for school year personnel for daily absences not covered by provisions listed in
this Agreement shall be made at the rate of 1/192 of the contracted salary.
Section 10: Stipend Payments for Ancillary District and School or District Teacher
Leader Roles.
If IPS places a teacher in a School or District Leadership Role, the teacher will receive an
additional stipend of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 or $7,000 per year in compensation for the 2023-
2024 and 2024-2025 school years. If the teacher only serves in the role for a portion of a year,
the amount will be prorated. Teachers assigned to these ancillary roles will not be eligible for
the payments in Section 6 above since these duties will be part of their Leadership roles.
These roles and accompanying stipend payments are not available to any teacher who
receives an ineffective or needs improvement evaluation for the prior school year.
Section 11: Stipend Payments for Ancillary Opportunity Culture Teacher Roles.
Role Stipend Amount
Multi-Classroom Leader (“MCL”) Tier 3 $18,300
MCL Tier 2 $11,400
MCL Tier 1 $6,800
Expanded Impact Teacher (“EIT”) $6,800
Teachers who teach on a team under an
MCL, IF school can afford to do this on
each team in the school building.
Up to $1,300
These roles and accompanying payments are not available to any teacher who receives an
ineffective or needs improvement evaluation for the prior school year.
Section 12: Emerging Schools.
IPS has the discretion to provide stipend payments to teachers in emerging schools to address
the academic needs of IPS, which include the retention of teachers in emerging schools.
The Board will grant supplemental pay to those who are selected and who perform the
following coaching or extracurricular assignments beyond the routine school day. The
supplemental pay is not earned or payable until after the season or extracurricular activity has
been completed.
The Board shall have discretion to determine the amount of supplemental pay it will pay
teachers performing coaching or extracurricular assignments, provided that in no event shall
any such supplemental pay be for less than the applicable amounts listed in the tables below.
The Board will notify the Association when exercising discretion pursuant to this Article, and
internal salary equity will be considered before this provision is utilized for any position.
Section 1. Senior High School Athletics.
Role Stipend Amount
Tier 1
Football Head
Football Coordinator $5,600
Football Assistant
Basketball Head
Basketball Assistant $4,800
Tier 2
Baseball Head
Baseball Assistant
Softball Head $6,200
Softball Assistant
Soccer Head
Soccer Assistant $3,600
Wrestling Head
Wrestling Assistant $3,600
Track Head
Track Assistant
Volleyball Head $6,200
Volleyball Assistant
Swimming Head
Swimming Assistant $2,400
Tier 3
Golf Head $4,400
Golf Assistant
Cross Country Head
Cross Country Assistant $2,400
Diving Head
Tennis Head
Tennis Assistant $2,400
Tier 4
Unified Sports Head
Strength & Conditioning
Assistant Coordinator $2,000*
*Per Fall, Winter and Spring session
Section 2: Middle School Athletics.
Role Stipend Amount
Tier 1
Football Assistant $2,000
Volleyball Head $2,400
Volleyball Assistant $1,600
Soccer Assistant $1,600
Baseball Head $2,400
Softball Head $2,400
Tier 2
Track Assistant $1,600
Cross Country Head $1,600
Swim Head $2,400
Swim Assistant $1,600
Select Team Coach $4,000
*Per Fall, Winter and Spring session
Section 3: Elementary Athletics.
Role Stipend Amount
Basketball $500
Soccer $500
Volleyball $500
Elem. Athletic Coordinator $1,000*
*Per Fall, Winter and Spring session
Section 4: Miscellaneous Coaching.
A. High school varsity head coaches are eligible for a $500 bonus for each consecutive
year in the position at a specific school after the first year (cap of $2,500 bonus).
B. Junior Varsity and Freshman level high school coaches will be paid the Assistant
Coach stipend for the sport.
C. Stipends may be split by coaches; however, individuals may not make more than a
full stipend for a particular sport for a particular season.
D. Any teacher who serves as a middle school official (referee, umpire, etc.) shall be
paid the standard rate per game/match/meet and shall be paid at the end of the
respective seasons.
Section 5: Extracurricular Activity Stipend Schedule.
Activity/Club Stipend
Tier 1
Position Type
School Year Competitive Music Performance Director
At least 20 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
180 hours
Examples of
Orchestra, Marching Band, Choir
Tier 2
Position Type
Full School Year Competitive Other Performance
At least 15 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
150 hours
Examples of
Cheerleading, Band-related Color Guard
Tier 3
Position Type
Full School Year Non
Competitive Activity
At least 10 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
125 hours
Examples of
Journalism, Yearbook, JROTC
Tier 4
Position Type Assistant Director - Full School Year Competitive Music
At least 20 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
110 hours
Examples of
Asst. Orchestra Director
Activity/Club Stipend
Tier 5
Position Type Director - Full School Year Non-Competitive Performance $3,250
At least 10 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
100 hours
Examples of
Drama/Theater, Pep Band
Position Type Sponsor - Full School Year and/or Advanced Skill
Competitive Club
At least 7 students supervised and anticipated
work of at least 80
Examples of
Debate, Robotics
Position Type Assistant Director - Full School Year Competitive Non-
Music Performance
At least 15 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
60 hours
Examples of
Asst. Cheerleading Coach, Academic Bowl Team Sponsor
Position Type Sponsor - Full Year Non-Competitive Academic and Other
At least 10 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
50 hours
Examples of
National Honor Society, Class Sponsor, Student Council, Key
Activity/Club Stipend
Position Type Sponsor - Single Season or Short Duration Competitive Club
At least 10 students supervised and anticipated work of at least
30 hours
Examples of
Chess Club (including competitions)
Tier 10*
Position Type Sponsor - Single Season / Short Duration Non- Competitive
At least 7 students supervised and anticipated work of at least 20
Examples of
Chess Club (non-competing), Photography Club
*Stipend amount is per season
Any club or activity that serves less than seven (7) students or requires less than twenty (20)
hours of anticipated work will not be eligible for a stipend.
Section 6: Other Coaching or Extracurricular Activities.
The parties acknowledge that there may be some coaching and extracurricular activities that
are not addressed in this Article that may arise throughout the school year. The parties will
discuss these extracurricular activities as needed.
Section 1: Group Medical Program.
A. Plans
The Board will make available to teachers and their eligible dependents a group medical
program. Employees may select coverage from these two (2) plans:
HealthSync Health Savings Account (“HSA”) Enhanced Plan
HealthSync HSA Base Plan
For 2024 and 2025, for employees who choose the HealthSync HSA Base Plan, IPS will
make up to a $750 contribution to the employee’s HSA account if the employee selects
employee only coverage or will make up to a $1,500 contribution to the employee’s HSA
account if the employee chooses one of the other three (3) employee plus dependent(s)
coverages. The employee must be employed at the time of disbursement to receive the
The medical plan administration representatives shall be permitted to make contacts
through the schools with teachers in order to inform them of their plans. Such
contacts shall be limited to periods before and after the teacher's workday and
through the distribution of materials.
B. Types of Coverage
Coverage shall be available based on four (4) options:
Employee and Child or Children
Employee and Spouse
Employee and Family (Spouse and Children)
C. Payments to the Group Medical Program
Teachers shall be eligible for group medical insurance in accordance with the health
insurance offerings and employee-paid premium amounts below. For calendar year
Anthem HealthSync HSA Base Plan 2024
Employee and Child/Children
Employee and Spouse
Employee and Family (Spouse and Children)
Anthem HealthSync HSA Enhanced Plan 2024
Employee and Child/Children
Employee and Spouse
Employee and Family (Spouse and Children)
For calendar year 2025 only, if there is no increase in the cost of the self-funded medical
program, then the Board and employees shall contribute the same amounts as in
calendar year 2024. If there is an increase in the cost of the self-funded medical
program, then the Board may increase its contribution by one-half (1/2) of the
percentage increase to the medical program. Employees shall be responsible for paying
the remaining costs of the plans.
D. Wellness Credits
For calendar years 2024 and 2025, employees who participate in the wellness rewards
program shall receive up to a $600 credit annually to offset the employee share of the
medical program cost if the employee meets health screening and engagement goals
outlined by the parties’ health plan sub-committee. The employee must be employed at
the time of disbursement to receive the payment.
E. Special Rate
Teachers whose spouses also are IPS employees are eligible for the same coverage
options and the same Board contribution as other teachers; provided, however, that a
teacher cannot be both an employee and a dependent at the same time.
Section 2: A forty thousand dollar ($40,000) Group Term Life Insurance Plan shall be
available on the same terms and conditions for all teachers. This coverage will also be
made available at the same cost per thousand dollars of coverage and otherwise on the
same terms and conditions for all other IPS employees. Teachers desiring to participate will
contribute $.01 per pay period and the Board will contribute the remainder of the premiums.
Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) is included in this plan.
Section 3: Tax Deferred Annuity Programs are available for each teacher.
Section 4: The Boards dental plan shall be available to each eligible employee and the
employees eligible dependents. The Board shall pay for the cost of the coverage except for
$.01 per pay period, which shall be paid by the employee. Employees who select the
Employee/Child(ren) or Employee/Family plans may elect an enhanced dental coverage
plan with a lifetime maximum child orthodontia benefit of $1,000, for which the Board shall
pay for the cost of coverage except for $5.57 (Employee/Child(ren)) or $6.67
(Employee/Family) per pay period, which shall be paid by the employee for respective
Section 5: The Board shall make available to eligible teachers a voluntary Long Term
Disability (LTD) plan.
Section 6: The Boards vision plan shall be available to each eligible employee and the
employees eligible dependents. The Board shall pay the cost of employee only coverage
up to a maximum of $6.30 per employee per month with the exception of $.01 per pay
period paid by the employee. If an employee elects dependent coverage and/or coverage
with enhanced benefits, then the employee shall pay the additional cost of the dependent
coverage and/or enhanced benefit coverage.
Section 7: For teachers who are employed through the last teaching day of the school year
and will be an IPS employee for the succeeding school year, those teachers shall have
benefits coverages under this Article continued through the following July. For teachers who
will not be an IPS employee for the succeeding school year, those teachers shall have
insurance coverage continued through the end of the month in which the teacher receives final
Section 8: Eligibility for continuing in the benefit programs listed in this Article shall be
available to those teachers who retire prior to becoming eligible to obtain coverage under
Medicare, providing the applicant meets the requirements of I.C. 5-10-8-2.6(e). For such
teachers who do not meet these requirements, the coverage is available providing the
applicant has had coverage in the program for five (5) consecutive years immediately prior
to retirement, and providing that such continued coverage is not contrary to the agreement
with the medical plan. The teacher must pay the full cost of the coverage, and such
coverage ends when the teacher becomes eligible for Medicare. In addition, if IPS
determines that the law no longer permits participation in benefit coverages to end when a
retired teacher becomes Medicare eligible, then those benefit coverages will not be offered
to retirees, except as required by law. In addition, a retiring teacher will have any and all
conversion rights that may be available. The former employee shall be required to make
monthly payments in advance for such protection.
Section 9: For the 2025 calendar year, to enable the parties to contain costs for the benefit
plans in Article IX, the partieshealth plan sub-committee may change the specifications of
any program, including but not limited to vendors, plan administration, benefits, and network
structure, provided that the committee has discussed changes prior to implementation.
Section 10: The Association and the Board agree to continue the current Section 125 plan,
which allows for funding of certain insurance, health care, non-reimbursed medical and
dependent care expenses as permitted by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Consistent with applicable law, the Section 125 plan will provide that employees have
automatically elected to pay their portion of the cost for group medical program coverage on a
pre-tax basis, unless they submit a waiver.
Section 11: An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will be available to assist employees
and their immediate family members with confidential, short-term counseling and follow-up for
problems or personal concerns. The Board shall pay the cost of the EAP (at a maximum Board
contribution of Two Dollars and Ninety Cents ($2.90) per employee per month). The EAP will
provide initial counseling, diagnostic and prescriptive services to employees.
Section 1: If a school or other work location is officially closed by IPS’ Superintendent
because of an emergency, all teachers shall receive full pay for each day on which school is
Section 2: Teachers are paid for Emergency School Closings (Article X, Section 1); therefore,
any scheduled make-up days are without pay. Teachers shall be allowed to use leave time
(such as personal, bereavement, or illness) on any scheduled make-up days subject to the
same conditions as on any other school day.
Section 3: If schools or work locations are closed and teachers are not required to report,
due to inclement weather or other emergency, on a day on which a teacher had
prearranged to take a paid leave, the teacher shall not be charged for such leave. If
schools are open on such a prearranged leave, but schools are then closed due to
inclement weather or other emergency so that students are dismissed early that day, the
teacher will be charged only for the hours missed.
Section 1: As long as IPS' investigation shows that the teacher acted appropriately, the
Board shall, upon request, provide legal counsel and assistance for the defense of a teacher in
any civil or criminal action or threatened action against the teacher which arises out of or is
connected with such teacher's supervision of pupils during the regular school day or during any
school related activity approved by the Board or its representatives whenever occurring.
Section 2: Teachers shall suffer no loss of wages or reduction in accumulated leave when
appearing as a witness before a judicial body or legal authority for school-related cases.
Section 3: In case of an unprovoked assault on a teacher by student(s) or non-student(s) in
the scope of the teacher’s employment, the Board shall be responsible for making available
full reimbursement upon proof of value to the teacher for any item of personal property
damaged in such assault. Furthermore, any absence due to injury or disability as a result of
such assault shall not be charged against the teacher's sick leave or any other leave
provided for elsewhere in this Agreement, subject to the provisions of Article II, Section 3.
Benefits under this Section shall be available to teachers who certify their willingness to file
charges and pursue legal avenues in prosecuting such cases. Legal counsel and assistance
will be provided the teacher in prosecuting such cases to their final resolution.
Section 1: The cost of any examinations required by the Board or law shall be paid by the
Section 2: One hundred sixty-eight (168) hours in each academic year shall be available for
released time for teachers to work on legislative matters, including but not limited to visits to
the Indiana General Assembly, membership training, and meetings with the IPS Legislative
Liaison Office. The time off may be taken in hourly, half-day, or full-day increments. The
Association President will identify the individuals to be released under this provision, but no
teacher will be released more than thirty-five (35) hours in any academic year unless the
individual is an officer within the Association, in which case the teacher will be released no
more than forty-nine (49) hours in any academic year, provided that no more than four (4)
officers may be designated for the additional fourteen (14) hours of leave under this Section in
any academic year. The Association will continue to work cooperatively with IPS to develop
and promote a joint legislative program.
Section 1: Definition.
A. A "grievance" is any violation of a provision of this Agreement, including any violation
arising from a misapplication or misinterpretation of this Agreement.
B. "Day" or "days" refers to days when teachers are scheduled to be in attendance, except
that during the summer break, they mean weekdays (Monday through Friday) other
than holidays IPS observes.
Section 2: Procedure.
A. Step One. If a teacher believes they have a grievance, the teacher must present it to
their immediate supervisor. The teacher and supervisor then shall meet informally to
discuss the matter.
B. Step Two.
i. If the grievance is not settled at Step One, then within twenty (20) days of the
occurrence of facts giving rise to the grievance and/or the date on which the
grievant or the Association knew or through reasonable diligence should have
known of the facts giving rise to the grievance, the teacher may present a
formal written grievance by fully completing the form attached as Appendix A
and delivering it to the Director of Employee Relations. If the Director of
Employee Relations does not receive the grievance within the specified time,
then the grievance shall be deemed null and void, and there shall be no
further proceedings on it.
ii. If the Association believes there is a grievance that affects a whole class of
teachers, then within twenty (20) days of the occurrence of facts giving rise to
the grievance and/or the date on which any of the affected teachers or the
Association knew or through reasonable diligence should have known of facts
giving rise to the grievance, the Association may present a formal written
grievance by fully completing the form attached as Appendix A and delivering
it to the Director of Employee Relations. If the Director of Employee Relations
does not receive the grievance within the specified time, then the grievance
shall be deemed null and void, and there shall be no further proceedings on it.
iii. Within fifteen (15) days after receiving the written grievance, the Chief of Human
Resources or designee shall meet with the grievant to discuss the grievance. Within
fifteen (15) days of the conclusion of the meeting, the Chief of Human Resources
or designee shall provide a written response to the grievant and the Association. If
the Chief of Human Resources or designee does not respond within the
designated time, then the grievance shall be deemed denied at the expiration of the
fifteen (15) day period.
Section 3: Time Limits. The time limits provided in this Article shall be strictly observed and
may be extended only by written agreement of the parties. If a grievant fails to initiate a
grievance or appeal a decision at any level within the prescribed time limit, the grievance
shall be deemed null and void, and there shall be no further proceedings on the grievance. If
an administrator at any level fails to respond within the prescribed time limit, then the
grievance may be advanced to the next step of the procedure as long as it is done so within
the time limits specified in this Article.
Section 4: Mediation. At any point in the process, the parties may mutually agree to mediate
or use other alternative dispute resolution procedures in an attempt to amicably resolve the
Section 5: Separate Files. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the
processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the
Section 6: Scheduling Grievance Meetings. Every effort will be made to schedule all
grievance meetings at times which will not interfere with the regular work day of the
teachers involved. If any grievance meeting or hearing is scheduled during the school day,
any teacher required by either party to participate as a witness and/or grievant in such
meeting or hearing shall be released from regular duties without loss of pay. Such period
should be held to the minimum necessary absence.
Section 7: Association Representation. A teacher has the right to have an Association
representative present during any discussions, meetings or hearings under this Grievance
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2023, and shall continue in effect through June
30, 2025. This contract was ratified by the IEA on October 30, 2023 and by IPS on November
14, 2023.
The undersigned attest to the following:
1. A public hearing was held in compliance with I.C. 20-29-6-1(b) on September 11, 2023,
and electronic participation from the parties and/or public was permitted; and
2. A public meeting in compliance with I.C. 20-29-6-19 was held on November 8, 2023 to
discuss the tentative agreement and electronic participation from the governing body
and/or public was permitted.
By ____________________________________________________
President of the Association
By ____________________________________________________
Chairperson, Bargaining Team
By ____________________________________________________
Negotiator for the Association
Date: __________________________________________________
By ____________________________________________________
President of the Board
By ____________________________________________________
By ____________________________________________________
Negotiator for the Board
Date: __________________________________________________
Indianapolis Education Association / Indianapolis Public Schools
To: Administrator Date Filed: ________________________
Grievant’s Name: _________________________ School/Location: __________________________
Date of Occurrence: ________________________
Date of Step One Informal Meeting: _____________________________________________________
Result of Step One Informal Meeting: ____________________________________________________
Article(s) and Section(s) of Agreement Grieved: ___________________________________________
Nature of Grievance (including what was done that violated the Agreement, who did it, and when):
Remedy Sought (state the specific remedy sought): _________________________________________
Signed: _______________________________________________
Revised: 10/23